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before you read this, if you haven't read chapter thirty which i just posted, go read it now!

okay you guys, i need your help. i know i'm the author and i should know about my plot but i really just write as i go along so i have no idea what's gonna happen most times even though i do have a few general ideas and sometimes plan my chapters (but not in detail). anyway, enough of that. i'm asking you guys to help me decide what should become of corey and amandla.

now, we have few options here so imma need y'all to think hard. comment under the idea you like the most.

- Corey and Amandla get back together and Elizabeth is no longer a part of the book 

- Corey and Amandla get back together and Elizabeth is still a part of the book/begins dating Dennis

- Corey and Amandla don't get back together but remain friends. Amandla meets Dennis at a football game and Dennis is head over heels for her at first sight. He gets all nervous and stumbly over her and loses his cucumber cool. They begin to date and Dennis becomes a nice, humble guy who befriends the rest of Robin's squad. 

i'm only adding the last option because my dear friends who read this book ( :-} ) suggested that option. keep in mind that although dennis is an asshole for the most part, he is really a softie on the inside and we see small elements of his surprisingly sweet and caring interior throughout certain parts of this book!! so keep in mind that he isn't completely a terrible crook (i'm not a huge fan of him don't get it twisted!!! just saying, that's who i see him as a character i created). butttt lemme know what y'all think should go down because i've been wracking my brain trying to decide!!!

okayyyy bye loves... remember if you haven't read chapter 30 which i just posted, read it now!!

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