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Chapter Forty Two

    Thanksgiving Break seemed to fly by. To River's disappointment, he and Robin did not spend Thanksgiving together. However, they did see each other over break. They spent a movie night together and had a double date with Feldman and Heather. Now, it was back to the daily grind- but today was different, because it just so happened to be their one month anniversary.

The fact that it was a school day didn't stop them from celebrating to the fullest extent. Originally, the plan was to skip school and just spend the day together, but when they both realized how hard that would be to actually put into action, they decided to just do something after school. They'd both agreed no gifts- they would just spend time together and go on a nice date. Robin was sitting in her AP Gov class bored out of her mind, while Mr. Reyes spoke in his monotone about class projects. She was nearly half asleep until she heard River's voice.

"Uh, Mr. Reyes?" he asked, looking down at a scrap of paper in his hand.

"Yes?" Mr. Reyes asked, totally uninterested in whatever it was River had to say- as he usually was with most students.

Robin turned to the source of the voice to find River standing in the middle of the doorway. Her head resting on her arm, she smiled at him and silently mouthed "hi." He gave her a smirk and a wink and then turned back to Mr. Reyes.

"I'm here to pick up a student for early dismissal. Robin," River explained, his eyes darting between Robin and Mr. Reyes, who didn't even look up from the projector. He waved a piece of paper in his hand. "I've got a pass."

"And they couldn't just announce it over the PA?" Mr. Reyes bleated. He glared over at River. "You had to interrupt my class?"

River shrugged sheepishly and the corners of his lips stirred faintly,

"PA's under maintenance."

Mr. Reyes sighed loudly, rolling his eyes and gesturing carelessly towards the doorway,

    "You may go."

    "Actually, sir, we don't need your permission, I just had to come here to inform-"

Robin swiftly pulled on her backpack and gathered her materials off of her desk, nodding curtly at Mr. Reyes and interrupting River so he'd say no more,

    "Okay! Thank you Mr. Reyes."

    Robin glared at River as she caught up with him, while he only smiled cheekily. Once they started walking and were out of earshot with the classroom, Robin said,

    "I hope everything's okay- I didn't know I was leaving early."

    River snorted and shook his head, shoving the piece of crumpled up paper in Robin's hand. She read his thin, italicized handwriting out loud.

"'It's incredibly easy to pick students up for 'early dismissal.'" Already grinning, she flipped the paper over onto the backside. "'Happy one month. Love, your Romeo.'"

Robin was full on beaming now, and turned to face River. He embraced her and gave her a squeeze, gently lifting her up off of the ground.

"We're going to my house, we'll make lunch together and go have a picnic in my backyard or something. Something small, but caring, like we said," River said.

"Sounds good to me," really anything was better than staying in AP Gov, but this especially. "Couple meditation included?"

"Of course," River chuckled.

"And we won't have to die as a way to proclaim our forbidden love for each other, right? Since you claim to be my Romeo," Robin taunted.

"Claim?" River asked playfully, raising his brows and pushing the backdoor exit to the school.

"Jokes. But really, no suicide missions, right?"

"Of course not. We'll save that for the six month anniversary, sound good?"

Robin grinned,


Romeo and Juliet- forbidden love was right.

things are about to get heated.

sorry for this SHORTTTT AHHH CHAPTER i just couldn't skip their anniversary but i kinda wanted to fly thru it. if i have the math correct it should be december 1st in this chapter and we will be skipping to december break!

~read chapter forty one if you haven't already!~

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