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Chapter Sixty Three

It had been a few weeks since Robin and River had seen each other. Robin and her family had taken a trip down to Georgia to be with family and so that they could all meet Zenebe, or Zen, Robin's new little brother. When they came back, towards the end of August, they brought back Ariella, Jesus, and Ariella's mother with them. This way, they could be there for when Robin left.

And one morning, Robin was woken up by the smell of food on the grill and the sound of music booming on the stereos outside, and chatter and laughter. She rubbed her eyes, looking outside from the bathroom window as she was getting ready. She saw familiar faces, including Ariella and the rest of them, as well as her usual gang. She couldn't figure out for the life of her the reason why until she saw the big sign that said "HAPPY TRAVELS!" that was hanging from some low tree branches. She groaned internally- so this had been why her mom told her to be up before noon the day before. Obviously Robin had failed at that task, and no one bothered waking her up to bring her to her own goodbye party.

Not only this, but even though Robin wasn't the same turtle in its shell that she used to be, this kind of attention in this form seemed brazen to her, and she would prefer an intimate going away party. It seemed like the whole block was here, including neighbors who had come to their house warming party last year. Last year seemed like ages ago, but to think it was just under a year was damning to Robin.

Robin got dressed and went downstairs and outside to greet all the guests, although she was still asleep in her brain. She put on a happy face and accepted the hugs she was pulled into and the squeals of congratulations from people who were "ecstatic to see her on tour when she got back to Boston" or people who "had finally bought her book (which had came out not long ago) and were falling in love with it." She made her way to River and her mother once she got past the throng of strangers, and looked between the two of them.

"So you two planned this, I'm guessing?" Robin asked, folding her arms over her chest, although the light smile on her face told them she wasn't really upset at all.

"Yes, and we're sorry we didn't tell you, but who wants to know about their own going away party? We would've woken you up, but snoozers never win. And this is River's going away party too," smiled Robin's mom, who put her arm around River and pulled her into him with a big smile on her face.

"No no," River shook his head bashfully, though the upturned corners of his lips and the glint in his eyes told Robin that he was secretly enjoying his share of the limelight. "Robin deserves it way more than I do."

Robin smirked at him and her eyes drilled into his, each of them knowing what she was saying "I know you, and you like attention more than you're letting off" (AKA that interview where the interviewer says happy birthday and River gets so happy).

"This is your party just as much as it is mine, River," cooed Robin, replacing her mother and putting her arm around River's waist, leading him towards their group of friends.

They all clamored over Robin before she could even get anything out, ripping River away from her and showering her with various notes of appreciation for her: "We'll miss you, Robin!" and "Don't let your new fame get to your head Robin, I remember just a few months ago you were a small town girl." When they finally pulled away and Robin could talk, she was beaming, but reassuring her friends,

"Guys, I'm not leaving the country. Besides, even when I go back to college after the tour I'll visit home and we can go to all the drive in movies we want."

"You sure?" Elizabeth prodded, and Robin nodded,


"And you won't get a big head?" Feldman demanded, and Heather elbowed him,

"Don't be a dick. Ignore him Robin, we love you even if you do get a big head. Which you won't... unless you do, and then that's fine too. Just don't be... Dennis."

"I think I deserve a bit of a big head," said Robin.

Ariella was already ready to back Robin up, throwing her hands in the air and pointing,

"You're goddamn right. As she should."

"Okay. Calm down," Jesus said to Ariella, though he turned to Robin and smiled. "Yeah. As you should Robin. We'll miss you in Georgia, you know that?"

"I checked flights from NoLa to Atlanta already, an hour nonstop and starting at $100. I'd skip classes just to see you guys."

"Aww, mi hija-" Ariella started in for a mushy hug, but Jesus held her back, and as usual their typical bickering ensued.

"Robin, what a great person you are. Not to be gross or anything, but you helped me through a lot," Corey said, his eyes gleaming as he thanked her, and Robin didn't have to guess to know he was talking about Amandla, who nodded in agreement with Corey.

"Aww, I love you, Cor," she said, and he hugged her with open arms.

"Damn it. I love you too, Robin," cried Feldman, who smushed Corey in the hug he joined in, which turned into another group hug that Robin once again had to be the first to break out of.

"Okay! Let's go party," she exclaimed- probably the first time she'd heard those words come out of her mouth.

The day was just like the first part of the summer had been- all happiness and sunshine and friendships and laughter. It hadn't even completely died down by the time the sun went down, which was later these days since it was summertime. Robin didn't mind, it was nice- the background noise of other guests still dancing and talking to one another. And since it had been a few hours the attention wasn't centered on her anymore, and she managed to get some alone time with River.

Here was where those unfinished hammock conversations and brushed away thoughts became a reality, here was where the two of them leaving and going their own ways- separate paths, could no longer be surreal. Now it was something they had to face, but it wasn't scary - and they hadn't thought it would be, nor did they want to pretend it wouldn't happen, they just didn't want to think about it for the sake of enjoying themselves and time - because they were doing it together.

So this time they were on Robin's front porch, the stars becoming visible in the night sky, their hips close together while they sat as close as they could bare, and bringing it up for real this time.

"So what's gonna happen?" River asked, not beating around the bush, even though they both knew.

"Well, it's going to be hard juggling being in so many places at once. Both me and you. And we won't be together much."

"And long distance relationships are... well, let's just say it's not the best option."

"But it's not like this is a forever thing. Just until we get our shit together, you know, adulting," they even laughed.

"So, friends," River said, the words coming out of his mouth slowly, and he gazed over at Robin, his eyes firm and yet placid.

"Friends. Always, anyways."

It didn't have to be said explicitly what was going to happen between them, because they already both knew, and that's why the conversation had been so lackluster in the days before. But even if they weren't under the official "boyfriend and girlfriend" title anymore, that didn't mean anything. The connection wasn't lost because the title wasn't there, and nothing between them that happened henceforth lost its significance. They just knew that they couldn't expect what they had now in the months to come, what with the distance they'd have between them, and the ultimate juggling of life they'd both be trying to master.

But they knew it had to be established at some point, spoken aloud without saying it at all. And they left it at that, and the few glimpses of summer they had left were like visions of true togetherness, even more than before they had resigned from their official title. 

hhaha yeah there are probably like 2-3 more chapters following this one oop! 

hope u guys enjoyed this chapter thooo and how are we! it's been a minute i've been mia as usual


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