happy birthday river -- white boys one shot

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this is a special post for riv's birthday yesterday!! it's just gonna be like a one shot set in White Boys on his birthday.

in this river and robin are depicted as boyfriend and girlfriend! but i'm not spoiling anything, y'all are gonna have to see!! also the cast is as is currently. for example, elizabeth is still dating corey, heather is still fooling around with feldman, so on and so forth... you get what i mean, happy reading!

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River came home from running the errands his family had instructed him to do. Visit the post office, then go to the bank, pick up some groceries, then come back home. This sweltering ho August day was River's 18th birthday, the day he became a legal adult.

The next day would be Robin's birthday, and though she told him not to make a big deal out of it, he felt entitled to get her everything he could. He made most of her gifts but got her some nice, expensive jewelry she had been fawning over after she saw it on the TV during one of their cuddle sessions. He'd also planned a trip to go out on a picnic that day as well. In fact, he'd insisted that they celebrate their birthday on the same day and disregard his birthday for the most part.

     Robin had denied and said they should celebrate their birthdays separately so everyone could get the attention they wanted. River wasn't big on attention, and decreed that if they weren't celebrating together, he didn't want anyone to do a single thing for him on his birthday unless it benefit someone in need. He didn't want a big party with the cakes and the singing and the dancing, he just wanted it to be a regular shmegular day in the Phoenix house.

So, he went about the day doing his usual duties. His family had wished him a happy birthday in the morning and made him strawberry pancakes, but that was about it, and that was the most attention River wanted. He'd planned to hang out with Robin at his house and watch a few movies late into the night for the rest of the day, and that would be it. He'd see the Coreys and Feldman and all their other friends the next day when Robin celebrated her birthday, so he didn't bother inviting them over to celebrate his own. They'd probably call anyway.

River shut the door to the car and locked it using the button on the key. He grabbed the grocery bags out of the back and carried them by the handles using two hands, and supporting the bottom of one of them with his knee. He walked up the steps to the door and set the groceries at the stairs, opening the door with his key. He set the grocery bags down in the vacant area between the locked front door and the actual door to the house, and then turned the knob, opening the door.

He was greeted with a dark, empty hallway. All the lights were turned off and no one seemed to be home.

"Mom, dad?" he called out, cupping his mouth with his hands. He waited for their response. Zilch. "Summer?"

Still nothing. River shrugged and picked the bags up again, making his way to the kitchen. He flipped on the light switch after setting the bags down on the floor, and a ruckus commenced. Confetti was thrown everywhere, blowouts were honking, and the sound of both real and plastic hands clapping exploded in his ears. Various people popped out of different locations, their bodies all contorted into some pose with a smile wide from ear to ear. Loudest of all was the deafening exclamation coming from everyone,


Although confused at first, River finally got the gist when he saw the party hats people were wearing and the cake on the kitchen counter near the windows. His eyes hurriedly glanced from face to face and he groaned to himself when he saw everybody he knew. His immediate family was there, along with some aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Robin was there of course, including all his other friends from school. He covered his face and tried to turn away, shaking his head, until Robin's whiny voice called him,

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