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Chapter Fifty One

"This is where I leave you," smiled Ariella.

Robin's family and Ariella's family were all at the airport early in the morning to say their farewells. Ariella stood in front of Robin, a sad smile on her face.

"I guess so," Robin managed a tired smile.

"Good luck with everything, I mean it! And if you ever need my abuela to get the brujeria on that white boy, give me a call."

Robin rolled her eyes and scoffed at her best friend's usual behavior, and pulled her in for a hug,

"See you, Ari."

"Until next time, Birdy," Ariella winked, and they exchanged kisses on either cheek before Ariella went off in her direction.

Next Robin said her goodbyes to Ariella's mom, which mostly consisted of hugs and kisses and more hugs. And now, last but definitely not least, was Jesus. He stopped in front of Robin, a melancholic, nostalgia-ridden blear in his eyes. In just two weeks, so much had transpired between the two of them, and nothing that had happened had been anything Jesus had predicted. Even with the amount of time they had gone without speaking to each other, Jesus still had the hopeful fantasy that they would be cuddled around a firepit, booed up the entire winter vacation. Even now that that fantasy was unfulfilled and out of reach, he still saw her in a vision of perfection, which only brought them closer, even if in a non-romantic manner.

"You'll come visit sometime soon, right?" he asked, eyebrows raised in hope.

Robin's eyes gleamed and she nodded,

"Of course I will. Georgia is my home after all. And you guys are my... homies."

Jesus sneered and his nose wrinkled up as he did it,

"Okay, please refrain yourself from ever saying that."

"If I must," Robin shrugged, and they both laughed at each other.

But then the situation became very apparent and they realized they wouldn't be seeing each other for a while again. Jesus kept a small smile on his face but his voice lowered and his eyes dimmed as he muttered,

"I'm gonna miss you, Robin."

"Don't miss me too much," despite her apparent sadness, Robin winked and smiled.

"Sure thing, Birdy." Jesus held his arms out and Robin obliged, the both of them falling into a friendly embrace. Jesus pulled away from the hug at first and sent a peace sign her way, which she returned, before going along his way.

When they left the airport, the first thing Robin did was hurry to her bed and continue to write. And she stayed in that very position in her bed, writing nonstop all day, editing and finally, finishing, her writing piece for the project. For a while, she didn't even want to bring it to the post office for it to get mailed to the company in charge of holding the competition. It felt like her baby, and she felt a maternal mother bear need to take care of it and shield it from the foreign world, from the fingerprints that would taint this heavenly manuscript. And yet, something felt as if it was missing.

Despite her growth over the years, Robin would always be a somewhat naturally insecure person, always a perfectionist just so that nobody would point out her errors. And those perfectionist tendencies were coming out now, pouring out onto this piece that only took her a little over two weeks to put together and she was putting it out on the spot for everyone to judge. Now Robin wasn't quite sure what gave her this burst of confidence that she'd be able to part-take in this competition at all, nevermind prepare her piece for said competition in only two weeks.

But she put on her big girl panties and hiked her way to the post office, discreetly placing a good luck kiss on the yellow folder in which the final draft of her piece was embedded. And now, she would wait. 

next chapter will jump to february :))))

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