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Chapter Sixty One

Robin woke up in the hospital.

Robin's mother had been reading when she felt the first contractions- simply reading. There was no miracle story about her birth and yet her child was a miracle baby, in Robin's eyes. Twelve hours later, baby Zenebe Robert Skye was born. Zen for short. Originally, the ideal name had been "Noah", but when Robin's mother saw his face, she knew it was Zen, instead, after her brother. After hours of crying, congratulations and coddling, Robin fell asleep in the hospital where her mother was asleep with her child next to her. They would go home later today, but for now her mother was still under the care of the hospital.

Robin had called River to tell him why she wasn't home. He was on a short vacation with his family down at the Cape, but he insisted that if he weren't, he'd be there with them right now. When Robin woke up, it was around nine AM, and she had been asleep since five AM. She knew her mother was going to be awake, tending to Zen with her father. Their father. It was odd to Robin that she had a sibling now, after seventeen years, but she was happy about the fact. She knew she would do everything in her power to be Zen's biggest supporter and a second mother to him- that was her intention every step of the way, from when she found out her mom was pregnant until the day she died.

Her mom giving birth gave her hope that maybe she would have a younger sister as well in a few years, but even if that didn't happen, the idea was enough to make her feel like it was already true.

"Hi Zen," Robin cooed, taking him, fresh faced and cranky, from their mom's arms, and cradling him in her lap. She looked down at his chubby, red-cheeked baby face and poked him, coddling him and playing with him while he squirmed around and emitted happy grunts of joy.

"He likes you," smiled Robin's mom, while her dad, half-asleep, lazily smiled in the chair behind her mother's hospital bed.

"I love him," Robin smiled, tears in her eyes. She cooed at Zen in a saccharine baby voice, "I love you, Zenny!"

He had Robin's eyes, and thus her mother's eyes- everything else Robin got from her father, except her full cheeks- those were her mother's. In Zen's eyes, Robin could see herself. But instead of seeing everything she'd been through, all the pain and betrayal and lack of trust, all she saw was the moments where she was happy. Moments where she was writing, moments where she was with family, moments when she felt accepted, and moments with her closest friends who quite literally refused to leave her side. And like her friends, she would never leave Zen's side. In him, she saw a new start for all of them. 

ok prolly shortest chapter i've ever written? this lowkey a filler haha i wasn't just gonna be like "robin's mom gave birth"in the next REAL chapter ! i wanted to have a small lil section for this... might just change this to a oneshot but for now it's a chapter

<333 love u! hope 2019 is goin swell for ya

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