Happy Birthday River!

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happy birthday river you're almost fabulous fifty, but right now you're fantastic forty eight dis is for u boo. everything in the book is as is, the plot is the same and all, leggo. *that means robin's mom hasn't had the baby yet, they're still in high school (even tho they're about to leave) etc*

      Robin woke up next to River the morning of his 18th birthday. He was fast asleep, his arms resting on top of Robin's shoulders, pressed into her. They were in her bed, and it was early in the morning. The reason River was in her bed? Simple- they had been celebrating Robin's birthday the night before *her bday is the day after River's but i like just now realized that as i type this so we're gonna pretend it's the day before yee*  and River came over. It got late, people went to bed, went home- but River and Robin were so tired, the only logical thing in their minds was to go to sleep in Robin's bed. So, they did. It seemed very logical to them at the time. The sun peaked through the curtains in Robin's room. She blinked slowly back awake, and the first thing she did was crane her neck to look at River. Her first reaction was to smile, she wanted to fall into his sleepy face, his mouth hanging gently open, his hair fallen over his eyes. Then, a pang of fear hit her in the chest.

     Robin's family knew that River and Robin were dating by now, and they were okay with it, but that didn't mean they'd been given the seal of approval to sleep in each other's beds. Even with Jesus, her parents were never down with that. So while Robin found River's sleeping beauty posture very cute, she also felt an urge to get him up. She glanced over at the alarm clock beside her and saw that it was only seven thirty in the morning. Huh. She figured her body was still adjusted to waking up for work even on the weekends. Or maybe her body thought she was going back to high school, and woke her up earlier now that it was August. Either way, she was pleasantly surprised. 

     She knew her pregnant mom couldn't possibly be awake, and that her father was at work around this time. So, she got an idea. 

     She turned to face River completely and kissed his forehead gently, making him stir in his sleep. Then, she placed a finger on his nose and gently tapped it. River, a light sleeper, woke from his sleep after that with a mumble. 

     "Mm," he hummed to himself, his eyes just opening. He blinked a few times, then made sense of his surroundings, and looked over at Robin. Instantly he grinned, started beaming, almost. "Good morning."

His morning voice was raspy and crackly, and Robin came to the realization that she'd never really heard his morning voice, and that this was the first time they had ever stayed the night at the other's house. Robin smiled to herself at the sound of his voice, it was so different from his regular voice, and so cute.

     "Good morning," Robin chirped happily in response.

     River grunted sleepily and put his arm around Robin's shoulder. She was wearing the t-shirt he had taken off the night before because he was too hot, and had put on her because she was too cold. They balanced each other out. Still, the t-shirt was way bigger on her and she seemed to be flopping around in it everywhere she stepped. It was adorable. Robin loved it because of how big it was on her (it went down to her knees), and it smelled just like him. Minty fresh, like actual mint and fresh laundry, and a bit of vanilla extract- he always smelled like vanilla extract, and he didn't even use cologne. Robin figured she might have just been imagining that he smelled so good because she was enamored of him, but she also liked to think that really was his natural scent. 

     "You're so pretty, Robin," River said out of nowhere. 

And then he yawned, a big, dorky, adorable yawn that made Robin smile and watch him with twinkling eyes.

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