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Chapter Forty Eight


Christmas Day at Robin's was always a day full of laughter, love and joy. After going to church early in the morning, the first church outing Robin's family had made since the move to Boston, they went out for breakfast at a local diner. Then it was home for gift opening and dinner prep. Usually they had a Christmas ham and other side dishes and everyone pitched in. But once the ham was finally cooking and everyone was getting started on mashed potatoes, collard greens and more, Robin got a chance to sneak out of the heated, bustling kitchen and into her room, the only place she could be alone.

"You sure you can make it over here?" Robin whispered into the phone, still looking around cautiously to make sure no one was coming up the stairs. She leaned towards her door and closed it with her fingertips, straining to lock it. "All of you?"

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Dinner was going to be ready in less than an hour, meaning while Robin's dad double checked everything and made last minute preparations, everyone else was getting dressed in their Christmas best. Ariella's mom and Robin's mom were yapping girlishly at each other about outfit choices in Robin's parents' room, like teenage girls talking about their prom dresses. Meanwhile, Ariella, Jesus, and Robin were sandwiched in the bathroom, side by side as they each tried to gussy up in the big horizontal mirror in front of them. Robin's elbow kept bumping into Jesus' neck as she used the curling iron, twisting big loose curls in her hair.

"Ow," Jesus grunted, shuffling away a bit only to bump into Ariella, who happened to be applying mascara.

She lurched to the front, poking herself in the eye and swinging her hand up to her eye to recover, shouting out a string of curses that could no doubt be heard by Robin's mom and Ariella's mom too.

"Okay, this maybe wasn't the best idea," Robin said, sighing and stepping back from the mirror, using her hands to puff up her curls.

"Agreed," Jesus rolled his eyes, scoffing. He was met with a nasty look from both of the girls.

"Why are you even in here? You're already dressed up, you gotta do your makeup or something too? Que estupido," Ariella muttered, straying away from Jesus as she rolled her eyes.

He paused, then turned to Ariella in one smooth motion,

"Si tu dices otra cosa, voy a golpearte en la boca." (olivia says hi in bad spanish)

Ariella turned her head with a wounded expression on her face, one that morphed into distaste, and she began going off,

"Adelante, no te poderlo."

"De veras? Recuerdas la vez que-"

They began overlapping each other and getting louder, Robin only able to understand fragments of their speech. Robin tried to ignore them but was given something to distract herself with when the doorbell rang.

"Guys, shh shh!" she exclaimed, knowing exactly who was at the door and not wanting her guests' first welcomes to be two cousins arguing in another language.

They ceased the yelling but continued to argue with each other in sniping whispers.

"Who's at the door?" Robin's mother called out, and Robin heard the bed springs creak as she got up off of them in the other room.

"I'll get it!" Robin volunteered enthusiastically, propelling out of the doorway and down the stairs.

Her father was still slaving away in the kitchen and wouldn't see anything, so Robin opened the door, swinging it wide open and greeting her guests with a delighted smile on her face.

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