Cult(Shit man0.0)

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Fredrick at the top copyright to my sister

Oh, shit man. I shouldn't even be writing this down. Part of me knows that I'm being watched but I really don't care I need to get it off my chest. Tonight Karen and I went to that cult meeting and I swear to God I tried to get her to stay back at the shitty studio apartment but she wouldn't listen to me! She said she needed to see it for herself. There was no fighting her so we went together. I can't help but feel like I'm failing as a big brother. Anyway, it was about eleven o clock at night when we got to the address on the card.

I didn't want to knock on the door knowing my previous history with the cult so we just looked through the basement windows. The first thing we noticed were the candles that lightened the dark and probably moldy smelling basement. Empty beer bottles littered the floor and curtains were hung over the wall revealing an old painting of Cthulhu himself. There were flowers and a book: the Nemonocrinum, next to it. Like some kind of sick shrine. The cult members all wore black robes that draped well past their feet. The leader had his hood down and stood next to the shrine for Cthulhu. The others were gathered around in closed tight circle. White plastic chairs in rows lye carelessly in the back abandoned as the members conversed. Thanks to years of wearing my hood Karen could understand the muffled voices and I took it upon myself to read lips when a cute deaf girl moved into South Park when I turned eleven(no it didn't work out if you're wondering). 

"Okay, gather round folks! Now begins the 143rd meeting of Cthulhu. Today we continue our plans for the old one himself to rise. Let us begin with our chant." All the members gathered around the shrine holding each other's hands.

In a creepy unison, they began. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." My blood turned cold once again and my head started spinning. It took all of my willpower to stay focused. Karen put an arm on my shoulder that brought me back to Earth. With a concerned look, she whispered a question.

"What does that mean?" I swallowed hard and choked the words out in English."

 "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming". The cults released hands and looked to their leader once again.

He lifted a black chalice. "We will continue the ceremony. Bring forth the foretold child!" Karen's grip on my shoulder tightened and I bit my lip, tense. Did they know I was here? I shut my eyes expecting to be forced into the room but Karen gasped forcing my eyes to open. I had to be ready I couldn't let them take me and leave Karen all alone.

"Kenny! I know him!" She was shaking me fiercely now. I looked at her in stunned silence, what the hell was she talking about? "Kenny! We have to save him!" She was shaking me uncontrollably. What the hell was her problem? As if realizing my confusion Karen turned my head to force my gaze upon the cultists again. This time a tall metal block with the satanic symbol carving stood in the middle of the room an emo looking boy tied to the contraption. I was still confused but Karen kept repeating the same words. "Kenny! You have to save him! You have to! Please it's Fredrick." I didn't really give a fuck who this kid was, I was more concerned with what the hell they were doing with a teenaged boy in their basement.

The kid had straight black hair covering his left eye giving him that emo look and the cultists had taken off his shirt(he wasn't my type don't worry). Guessing by Karen knowing him he must've been her age. The cultists gathered around him again and they began to chant. The leader this time had the Necronomicon in his hand.

"Great Cthulu I am Henry Robertson we gather here as loyal followers bearing a gift from the earthly realm. A pure boy unstripped of innocence, a virgin. We bring him in hopes that he serves as the eyes and ears of you old great one until the stars align and it then becomes time for you to rise once more, we do this in hopes that when you rise you bring us mercy Ahh in the house of R'yleuh." 

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