A (Pretty Shitty) Plan

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I've got a concussion. I guess that's  okay, gives me more time to write and think about how badly I fucked up. It's  almost 1 in the morning now.

Did you know when confronting a guy about a serious criminal offense they may get a little angry? I mean, I knew that would happen, I guess I just wasn't prepared for that. I went over to Criss' place in the morning and we talked about how we could kill.... I mean take this bastard down.

She set a coffee down for me and I thanked her as politely as I could with her siblings watching through the living room. It meant I couldn't hold her hand or you know stare at those tits or even spank her- What were we talking about? Well anyway, I hated that they were watching but after pretending to talk about school they all went to watching T.V. That's when we started talking about the plan.

"Karen gets home from soccer practice at four. Albert picks her up every Thursday, today." I nodded, how did Criss know this all, she had just spent three weeks at the house and she was already able to figure out the schedule? Then again she was Criss. "When he gets home from picking her up you distract him, I'll get Karen to the safety of her room. She won't know what's going on but I'll talk to her tell her the plan and hopefully find out if anything's happened." I nod and she smiles swallowing hard. "One more thing okay?" I give her a confused look, that's when she does it fucking again and I hate but love the way she does it. She leans forward and kisses me hard grabbing my head so I can't pull away and when she finally decides she does she gives me a series look. "Do not, engage Albert without me there. Don't fight him, don't mention me telling you, don't even ask for Karen. Any little thing will make him suspicious and things could get ugly." I nod again but this time I try my hardest not to snap. How the hell am I supposed to do that? I FUCKING HATE THIS MOTHER FUCKING AS SUCKER ALBERT. But, the fierce look in her eyes tells me Albert can be scary so I nod anyway.

I ring the doorbell and Albert answers the door, I plaster on a huge smile. His smile falters a bit when he sees me but he quickly regains his smile to keep up his act especially when he sees Criss next to me. 

"Christina, you were supposed to be here at 3:30 cleaning up. Come in, you can start Karen's lesson." The vein in my forehead throbs when I realize he hasn't even acknowledged my presence. Criss walks in and Albert tries closing the door on me but I block the door. 

"I'd like to come in also." He smiles (forcibly) bigger.

"Of course."

The house is drafty because the back door is open and I immediately shiver. There's too much coolness for my liking. Criss is already upstairs by the time I get inside so I turn to Albert who wants to follow. I run to block the staircase.

I laugh at the odd look he gives me. "Where is my mom?" He dulls his eyes.

"She's at the Olive Garden if she's not lying to me." He mutters the last bit and I smile. My mom is still the exact same person I've known all my life, no matter what clothes or makeup you put her in. He tries to push me aside to get up the stairs, I stay firm. 

"How's Criss doing with tutoring Karen?" He sighs at my sudden urge for a conversation.

"They're both fine, why do you worry so much?" I shoot him a deadly glare not even a second but his face contorts into this evil sneer that's so intent for blood that I step back. 

He sighs and rubs his temples. "Christina told you didn't she?" His face is calmer now but the smirk on his face makes me sure that he knows what will happen next. The plan is unfolding and I've already messed things up.

I ball my hands into a fist. I try not to lose my temper, I try really hard but the smug look he's giving me is killing me. I open my mouth to speak when another voice beats me to it.

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