Crazy Ass Bitch

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Today was such a pain in the ass, but I think I made a new frenemy, kinda like fat ass. Not sure yet, so here we go but again no dear diary crap. The brunette quickly sighed as she clicked onto the last slide. "And that is the origin of my culture." She sighed. I put my head against the desk wanting to fall asleep. Unfortunately nothing ever goes the way I want it. Cartman started to burst into laughter.

"Ha dumb bitch! Mexicans can't read!" Fat ass hollered. I rolled my eyes as the smart ass took her seat. 

"Kenny, where's your project?" The teach asked. I shrugged leaning back into my seat. She was about to lecture when the bell rang. I would've been happy but you know I had to wait for Kevin to pick me up.

When we got home dad quickly threw a glass at Kevin. He dodged it dragging me to my room. He slammed the door shut locking it. "Shit head this is your fault." He sneered. I gave him an odd look. How was this at all my fault? He smirked at me.

He slowly walked to me as I backed away. I bit my lip when I ran into my bed and he tackled me. "If you weren't born we wouldn't be poor!" He shouted punching me across the face. I let him beat me just because I wanted him to continue to speak. How was this my fault? "You made them fucking nuts! You made them think they're bad parents! And the only thing keeping them together? The fact that they can blame each other! What happens when they leave huh? You dumb ass! With all the shit that comes out of your mouth and the things you do, the things that kill-" He stopped talking. I looked at him in awe.

A tear fell on my face. I looked away biting my lip. "Cuz they took me to a cult they can't live it down..." I said realizing they felt bad for what they had done. Kevin left without a word. And now I was in my room alone.

The next day felt pretty odd. I stayed clear of the guys. I didn't want to deal with all their crap. I stayed quiet not making perverted comments at things that usually made me laugh. I just lay my head on the desk as the teacher taught. When the school day was finished I walked straight home.

The day was pretty gloomy as I walked, I turned the corner passing the park to get home. I saw her from the corner of my eye. Smart ass, except she wasn't gleaming with confidence, and not in her nerdy outfit. I shrugged it off walking but felt a tug on my arm. I looked back to see her dark brown hair covering her face. I bit my lip as she looked down with a whisper. "I'm sorry." I tore away from her. 

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed. I immediately regretted it when I saw tears. I sighed facepalming. "Look you piss me off, so go away." I murmured. She stepped back looking up at me.

"I... I told Kevin..." She whispered. I clenched my fist restraining the urge to both hit and swear at her. I immediately felt numb when I realized something.

"You've seen me... d-die?" I asked letting my blond locks cover my blue eyes. She hugged herself looking away and slowly nodded.

She put a hand on my shoulder which made me even more upset. I moved my shoulder away viciously. "Stay the hell away from me! And stay out of my business!" I growled running off. I needed to get home.

I felt stupid when I ran into the house slamming my bedroom door just to get the crap scared out of me. She glared at me with her brown eyes, arms crossed. "He hit you didn't he?" She asked in a low whisper. It was as if she hadn't been crying just minutes ago. She smiled shaking her head. She cupped my cheek examining it. "you're gonna experience some bruising, say ah." I rolled my eyes not listening to her. She smiled bigger forcing my mouth open. She looked inside then nodded. "no, broken teeth, yeah just some bruising... and sorry K... McCormick." She said. I backed away from the freak. She was an odd chick. "Don't let yourself feel smaller than you are, don't take it sitting down... I would if I was in your situation. But you're stronger." I shook my head facing the wall. I clenched my fist turning back to her closing my eyes. 

"It's not that easy!" I screamed. When I opened my eyes she was gone. What a weirdo, I thought to myself. I sat back on my bed to find a bag of ice with a little note. 'two hours a day okay?' I wanted to throw it across the room but felt the stinging sensation on my cheek. I shut my eye to ease the pain. I grabbed the pack letting it sit on my face as I went into a deep slumber. What a crazy ass day for a crazy ass bitch.

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