Token's Boat

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We brought Token's boat out into Stark's Pond. Cthulhu had moved to Whole Foods and was keeping himself pretty entertained. The boat was anchored down as Michael gathered us into a circle again, I didn't like the idea of a goth leading us but Fredrick was loving just being around him. At least someone was having fun.

"Okay, Cthulhu has a lot of tentacles. The Necronomicon never mentions how many and the last time I saw him I wasn't really trying to count. But we've got to keep his tentacles distracted if we're going to be able to hit him in the head. We've only got one boat and one shot." I nodded and Michael removed a drawing of Cthulhu that he had slipped in the back of the book.

"Underwear boy." I jumped at the mention of me. Michael's determined gaze made me shiver. Criss touched my hand and I let out a shaky breath. Fighting Cthulhu again wasn't something I ever wanted to do but at least I wasn't alone. I nodded. And he showed me a half smile. "You've got fireworks right?" Cartman glared at me still whining. I remembered Mysterion's and Coon's first encounter. Fireworks are illegal in Colorado!

"Yeah, I've always got fireworks in my belt." Now there was a smirk on his face.

"Great. We need to attach the hefty stuff onto the boat." Token immediately interjected.

"Hey! No one told me you were going to blow up my boat!" Everyone ignored him, but Token had a point. If we were going to attach the fireworks and explosives who was going to set them off? Michael caught my gaze and his eyes told me the answer. Criss squeezed my hand. Fuck.(I just had to ask)

"Cthulhu is going to need to grab the boat that has all the fireworks. When the boat gets anywhere near his face. You floor it. You floor it and you-"

"No!" Karen pushed me back breaking Michael's intense gaze on me. "We just got back! You can't!" Michael looked at her annoyed. There were tears in her eyes and in seconds she was sobbing throwing her arms around me and screaming into my chest. "They can't!"

I looked over to Criss and she gave me a dull stare. Then she looked to Karen it looked like she had pity. She sighed like she had nothing else to lose. "He can't die." My friends immediately started laughing.

"What?" Stan chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Kyle smiled.

She rolled her eyes at them. "It's a good plan. Cthulhu dies and Kenny comes back to life tomorrow and no one remembers what happened." The guys started to laugh in her face and I continued to comfort Karen in my arms. Michael closed the book quieting the group.

"That's the thing." Henrietta shot him a glare that told him to shut up. He shook his head. "You won't come back." His voice seemed disappointed almost sad. My heart sank. I felt the floor beneath me crumble. It was like I was falling from thousands of feet. There was no escaping the inevitable. Maybe this was all overdue anyway... Karen continued to cry. Fredrick poked her shoulder.

"Karen..." She looked up with red eyes. "I never thanked you for bringing me back to life."  He opened his arms and Karen understood. Let go, it's time. My body was telling me to let Karen leave my grasp but I couldn't. She had brought me comfort for so many years throughout all the weirdness. I held on for a second longer my body not responding. She stepped forward my grasp on her loosened and touch with reality felt skewed she fell into his arms and I was falling again.

"We know about you, Kenny. We know all the cursed kids... You're just the only one who fought back. You make the perfect bait." Hearing Michael say my name gave me even more chills. My head spun trying to digest it all. The goth kids had known... Had they known all along? I held back a curse.

Criss finally stepped forward her voice cracked trying to hold back tears. "That can't be true... H-how do you know he won't come back? How!"

"Once Cthulhu dies all the powers and curses he's brought to our dimension will vanish. The first time he was destroyed he just went back to sleep. This time... This time it's for real. The Necronomicon has a lot of stories about the cursed ones on Earth. It's just easy to spot them after you've been to enough meetings, eventually, everyone tries to find their origin." My hand hurt now that Criss was squeezing me so hard. It hurt knowing I could've stopped this. I put people through too much pain. Kevin was right from the start. From the beginning, this was all my fault. "Cthulhu needs to catch the boat in his tentacles, Kenny he's going to want you. So you need to detonate the fireworks and explosives when you're in range. Got it?" I nodded again surprised I hadn't cried yet. "Alright, we need to get ready before Cthulhu is done with the Harbucks, get ready." I took a deep breath and turned to the guys.

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