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  I don't know maybe I should feel worse about killing someone but the truth is I don't, and that scares me. Maybe it's because we were able to bring him back to life but Karen wouldn't look me the rest of the train ride and I can't blame her. I would hate me too.

South Park was reassuring though  it made me feel so nostalgic even though we had only been gone for a few weeks. It made me feel like all the troubles had just disappeared and it seemed like the feeling was contagious because as I turned to Karen she actually smiled at me. "We're home." I nodded and we left the train station. Criss seemed just as glad. I probably got her into some major trouble for ditching school and making her disappear without a word, but I mean it was her decision. It seemed like she was itching to get home but the plaza in South Park was playing the news. Cthulhu was still rampaging the states and it looked like he was heading straight to South Park. He'd only make stops to destroy some Whole Foods and terrorize hippies. Did Cartman really have that much of an effect on him? I thought back to it, Cthulhu didn't really have any purpose but to destroy when he met Cartman fatass gave him more of a purpose, to destroy in his name. Cartman had promised to be his friend. Cthulhu seemed to have liked that by the looks of him destroying things Cartman hated. The fact made my blood boil. We had to stop him.

Karen saw my clenched fists and tugged at my cloak. "Kenny, what now?" I shook my head prying my eyes away from the televisions on display.

"We need to see the goth kids, they know how to stop Cthulhu. They know more than any of us." Fredrick's eyes lit up at the thought. He smiled and it made me uncomfortable since it wasn't something common to him.

"The goth kids??? You mean the ones who sent Mike to Scottsdale and who destroyed the Hot Topic. The goth kids who stopped the emos?!" I nodded and I could see he was restraining a squeal Karen gave him a questionable look. We started to walk and the goth threw questions at me every five seconds about the goths. Karen was obviously annoyed especially when he asked about Henrietta but I thought it was funny that the kid was finally going to meet his idols. They probably refused to see him since he wasn't a real goth. Now he kinda looked like one. He didn't wear the makeup and he acted a little too preppy but now the goths had no choice but to see him.

Mrs. Biggle squealed when she saw me in my costume. "Oh my! I thought you boys gave that up but you boys do look so handsome in your outfits just like my Bradley!" I blushed a little at the compliment and scowled when I remembered Bradley or Mint Berry Crunch. He had figured out his origin so much faster than I had. His past had fallen into his lap mercilessly I had to fight to find mine. Maybe I was jealous but once that moment passed I just wished he was here. He could fight off Cthulhu and I could just stand back and watch. Unfortunately, it was my turn, this was my story now. Bradley was gone and who knew when he'd come back. 

"Thank you, ma'am, is your daughter here?" She nodded grabbing a tray of cookies and handing them to me.

"Oh yes, Henrietta is in her room with her little friends, you can take that up to her!" She clapped her hands in joy and we headed up the stairs. I knocked and immediately heard Henrietta's annoyed scream. 

"Go away, Mom! We're busy!" I rolled my eyes. What a brat. I opened the door not really giving a shit. Karen tried scolding me but I didn't care. I instantly regretted it. Henrietta was on Michael's lap and the two were making out. The curly haired goth let go immediately Karen screamed covering her eyes. Criss laughed and I looked at the floor dropping the tray of cookies the platter clattering on the floor with a loud PLUUURP. I heard running from the hallway and the goth with red hair dye appeared. Was his name Peter or something???

"What the hell?" He looked at us confused then to his friends. I shook off the embarrassment and walked into the room closing it once everyone entered.
"It's nothing Pete."(Hey I was close). Michael shrugged a faint pink in his cheeks. Annoyed I immediately changed the conversation.

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