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Criss told me about how she made it to Louisiana and honestly it made me annoyed with the guys but also kind of made me feel irresponsible.

It was only a couple weeks after I had left and Criss was back to her ordinary boring life. We both agreed she'd quit her job at Albert's and thankfully she came through. I didn't tell her about the part where I asked Kyle to ask his dad to work with her parents to make sure Albert never sees the light of day as he rots in a jail cell.(last Kyle texted me-before I cut all connection-they were still working on it). Now she was bored in class. No doubt it was boring without me there to stare at. She also said something about how the guys might have maybe actually missed me. Cartman was actually paying attention not really making big scenes or commotions and Kyle wasn't being a snarky asshole. Stan just kept to himself.  At this point everyone just thought I had gone to visit some family.

She felt really bad. And Criss telling me all this just made me feel worse for running away. She asked Stan about me and his responses was somewhat touching. Well as touching as the guy could get.

I imagined her now turning to Stan in class.  Him looking up from his chemistry notes. I could imagine how nervous she was as she finally asked her about me. "Hey, Stan." He nodded. She probably played with her lips unsure. No doubt Wendy was shooting her daggers for talking to Stan.  That was her cue to finally ask him.

"Uh... How do you think Kenny's doing?" The question definitely confused him.

"Kenny? Why do you ask?" To diffuse the tension Cartman took the opportunity to brighten the room a little with his normal behavior.

"Hahahaha! AHAHAHA! I told you guys! Bus boy's sister has a crush on the poor kid!" Just thinking of her annoyed expression made me laugh. Thinking of Cartman's annoying laugh even  made me a ittle homesick. 

"I'm just wondering. You know what if he was you know on his own or something? How do you think he'd do?" Stan was always the type who didn't deal with awkward situations well. That means he had the habit of being brutally honest which was annoying. 

"Er, I don't know. Kenny's been pretty weird these last couple years. I mean he's always so sad and hard to talk to. I mean I don't even remember the last time I've seen him laugh... On his own. I don't know what would happen to him. He might try something. I'm not sure."(can you believe he actually said that???) It was like he thought I was going to kill myself or something what the actual fuck is wrong with him? But I can't blame them for everything I have been feeling... Down these last couple years but it's nothing big! I mean I'm not some kind of pussy... it's no wonder she came as quick as she could. She didn't want that to be a last goodbye and I guess it was nice that she cared.

I explained to Criss why I was dressed as a superhero and why I needed(yes it was absolutely necessay) to wear my underwear outside of my suit and though it took some convincing she believed me about the sweet old lady who I'm pretty sure is a satanic monster. Thank God she's an optimist or else she'd think I was the crazy one, part of me thinks she still thinks I'm a lunatic. I didnt really care though there was still the fact that Karen was kidnapped and I was running out of time. I had to get this done fast but Criss had other plans.

"So when do we infiltrate their base?" Her words shocked me. We? Who said she was coming along? I turned to her a little annoyed and embarrassed that she wanted to come. Mysterion worked alone. It was better that way, alone I didn't waste my time.(do you remember how lame I looked when I teamed up with Coon and Friends?)

"I don't want you getting hurt. I need to get my sister. You don't know how much it hurts that they beat me. I have to do this... For me. For Karen. No offense but this has nothing to do with you." I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. She didn't hesitate to slap me either. It shocked me, I saw her as more of a pacifist even after beating up those cultists.

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