II. Darcy's audition

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Darcy Styles)

As Aunt Gemma and I followed the staff member, my hands start to sweat and I'm pretty sure I'm shaking too. I have never been this nervous in my entire life.

"You're going to be fine, don't worry." Aunt Gemma assured me as we approached the stage.

Before I even had the chance to speak, one of the staff members handed me a microphone, told me to stand on the X when I walked on stage, and pushed me out on stage.

This should be fun. Considering the judges are Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran and Simon Cowell.

"Hello." I said after I did what I was told by the staff member.

"Hello, what's your name?" Katy asked me after a hesitation from Ed and Simon. I don't know why but they were looking strangely at me.

"My name is Darcy Anne Styles." I replied, which made Ed and Simon's eyes go wide, but they returned to normal shortly after.

"And how old are you?" Ed asked unsurely.

"I'm 17 years old." I replied.

"What song are you gonna sing for us today?" Katy asked, because Simon wasn't paying attention and didn't know he was supposed to speak. He was just staring at me very intently, which made me very uncomfortable.

"I'm going to be singing 'stay with me by Sam Smith'." I told them.

"Cool. Let's hear it then." Ed replied, before the music started to play.

Well, it's now or never.

"Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one night stand. But I still need love cause I'm just a man. These nights never seem to go to plan.
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand.

Oh won't you stay with me?
Cause you're all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
But darling would you stay with me

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh hahahahaha...

Why am I so emotional?
No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control. And deep down I know this never works. But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh hooooooo

Oh won't you stay with me?
Cause you're all I need...."

When I finished the song, the audience and even all three judges gave me a standing ovation while they went wild.

"That was amazing, Darcy. I really wasn't expecting that." Katy said, once the crowd calmed down.

"I loved it. I don't know about anyone else, but I think you sang it better than Sam did." Ed told me as a smile appeared on my face.

I'm happy to hear good feedback from Katy and Ed, but the only person that I really care about giving me good feedback is
Mr. Simon Cowell.

"Darcy, who brought you to the auditions today?" Simon asked curiously, earning confused looks from not only the other judges and the audience, but me too.

Not what I was expecting him to say but I'll just go with it.

"Um....my aunt." I replied in a very confused tone.

"And what might be your aunt's name?" He asked with the same curious tone.

"Gemma?" I replied, but it came out more of a question than an answer.

"Simon, shouldn't you be giving her feedback instead of questioning about her family?" Katy asked, hoping he would stay on track.

"Sorry, you were truly amazing. I loved it. Words can't describe on how much I loved it. It's a yes from me." Simon said quickly.

"It's a yes from me." Katy and Ed said in unison, which made me smile from ear to ear.

"Thank you so much." I said happily, before I started to walk away.

But as soon as I turned to walk off stage, simon called my name.

"Darcy?" Simon spoke.

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"Have you and your aunt come see me after the auditions today, okay? I need to talk to you." Simon told me.

"Okay." I replied before basically running off stage to my aunt's arms.

"I told you, you were going to be amazing." Aunt Gemma told me as she embraced me.

"I know. But I have two concerns." I said, letting go of her embrace.

"And what would those concerns be?" She asked.

"First, what the heck does Simon want to talk to us about after the auditions? And second, how are we going to tell dad I can't go to school next week because I have boot camp for the
X Factor?" I explained to her.

"I can't help you with the first one, but I can with the second. You can just tell him that you're going to be staying with me next week because you have many tests to study for and you need to be somewhere other than home because you get distracted." She explains to me.

"But he knows I don't get distracted." I replied.

"Where do you study when you have a test?" She asked me randomly.

"My room." I replied.

"Exactly," She said, while I realize what she actually meant.

Dad is going to kill me when he finds out that I'm not going to school because I'm on the
X Factor.

"What if the school calls him?" I asked out of curiousity as we walked back to the waiting room.

"We'll just call and tell them the situation, don't worry he won't know, I've got it all figured out." Aunt Gemma assured me.

Yeah, that's what she says now, but when he does find out. I'm gonna have to make a run for it, because he is going to kill me.

I repeat, KILL ME.



Don't worry Darcy, I won't let that idiot hurt you XD

Anyway, next up is DJ Malik's daughter ♡♡

Note :

Zayn and Perrie never happened in this fanfic, sorry to Zerrie fans :'(

》 Love, Leigh XXX

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