Kelyes (1)

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Elyes is at Megacon in Orlando. He is creating fans and taking pictures. The room is crowded and there is a really long line waiting to meet him. The next person in line is dressed really heavily and he can't see the persons face.

Security Guard: NEXT!!
The heavily dressed person steps up
Elyes: Hello, what's your name?
Person: Kat.
Elyes: That's my girlfriend's name. Maybe you've heard of her, Katharine McPhee?
Person: The person removes their hat. I have heard of her.
Elyes: KAT! You surprised me. I thought you were still in Canada.
Kat: I wanted to see how well you would do on your own. And see if I could fit in somewhere without paparazzi.
At this point the crowd and line is growing trying to see Kat and Elyes together.
Elyes: Let me finish this and then I'll meet you at your hotel.
Kat: Ok.
She slips one of her hotel keys in his pocket and walks away.

Elyes continues to take pictures and sign autographs, trying to hurry now because he knows Kat is waiting for him
After he is done, he calls for an Uber and waits outside.

Elyes: I need to go to the Grand Hotel, right down the street. Thanks!
Uber Driver: Okay, man. You look really familiar, aren't you the guy that plays a genius on that show?
Elyes: I do play a genius on Scorpion. I'm kind of in a hurry, someone's waiting for me.
UD: Okay, that's good because we're here. Have a good night and don't forget to rate!

Elyes practically runs into the hotel, trying to find room 197. When he reaches there, he stands outside the door trying to catch his breath.

Elyes: I'm here, he says as he is placing the card in the door. How are you do...
Kat: What? Did I surprise you?
She's sitting on the bed in nothing but an unbuttoned polo shirt.
Elyes: You kind of did, but I don't mind.
He is walking toward her and she gives him a glass of wine. He sits on the bed beside her.
Kat: How was your day?
She leans in and is kissing his face
Elyes: Very busy. You made my day, surprising me like that.
Kat: I thought I would have. I waited in that long line just to see you. I was watching when you were talking about Waige and I saw that gleam of us in there. I knew you were thinking of us, as people, not actors.
Elyes: I've always thought about us. In every scene, especially the "Waige" scenes. The only thing "Waige" are the lines, the emotion is all about us.
Kat: That's how I feel. Now, want to finish what we started behind the scenes of the closet scene?
Elyes: Oh, yeah!
They start to make out and Kat makes Elyes fall over on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt.
Kat: You ready for this, Mr. El?

Maybe it's Waige, Maybe it's KelyesWhere stories live. Discover now