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Ay, yo, long part because I'm a fantastic person. Also I have attempted the smut again which never really turns out that good. If you don't want to be a part of that life, wait for the --- to mark the beginning and end. Ok I'm done now, enjoy.

Hamilton|First Person

Later that night, after dinner, John is in his chair on his laptop, seemingly focused on whatever is shown on the screen. I lie in bed, switching between the same couple of apps for a good thirty minutes. I shift restlessly on the mattress, sighing as I become completely fed up with my Instagram feed that provides absolutely no entertainment. John only looks up at me for a moment as I drop my phone in my lap and slouch over. I sigh again, just for dramatic effect. His lips twitch, but he doesn't look up.

I roll off of the bed and walk up behind him. He only hums slightly as I look over his shoulder, only really noticing that he's looking at his emails. "What's up Alex?" He offers, I sigh once more, leaning forward to rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm bored." I drawl as he chuckles a little. He reaches up with one hand to pat my cheek. I pout a little at the back of his head.

"What do you want to do then?" He asks, turning around to look at me.

I shrug. "I dunno." He laughs lightly, tilting his head up to barely touch my jaw with his lips.

"Just give me a second, then we can find something to do." I roll my eyes as he turns back to his laptop. I walk back and sit on the edge of the bed.

"What're you lookin' at?" I ask just for the plain purpose to make conversation. I glance around at the room, landing on the window with the blinds pulled up to reveal a black sky, devoid of all stars due to living in the city and pollution.

"Just some work stuff." He says, closing the computer as he speaks. "I'm all done now." He stands from his chair and grins, walking toward me and stopping when our knees touch. "What do you want to do?" He asks again, bending down slightly so that our mouths are only about an inch away from each other.


I shrug minutely, tilting my head forward so our lips touch. He smiles against my mouth, leaning into me, his hands wrapping up in my hair and pulling a little, causing a pathetic whimper to leave my lips as I place my hands on his back. I pull him towards me, making him walk forward until he's standing between my knees as I scoot back on the bed a little. He slips his tongue in my mouth before setting his knee between my thighs, his other following in suit before he can press his hands to my chest as he holds me flat against the bed. I hook one of my legs around his back as he moves his lips down to my jaw and below my ear.

He sucks at the skin, moving a little further down before sucking hard enough to make any marks. I moan a little at the feeling of his mouth on my skin, pulling at my own shirt to give him more room. He pulls back from my neck and helps me get the shirt over my head, then takes off his own that he only put on an hour earlier when we made dinner. He tosses the fabric aside and leans back down to my chest, his skin against my own feeling way better than a shirt. I reach up and skim my hands up and down his back while he continues his assault on my chest, this time littering my upper body with red marks.

I whine a little and push myself up against him. He flicks his tongue over my chest, making me moan and press my hips against his. He grunts a little and grinds back down onto me. He detaches his lips from my skin and trails his fingers down my stomach to the top of my jeans. I lift my hips again and grip my fingers on his hips, pulling him down toward me a little. He moves his hands to my thighs now, keeping his body a couple inches above. Something pokes my thigh and I have to fight back a grin.

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