And it all comes crashing down

536 21 36

I sorta forgot what I named Alex's aunt and I can't find the first time I mentioned she has like three names unless one of you guys remember and want to help me out.

Hamilton|First Person

The next morning when I wake up, still wrapped up in the blanket on John's bed and in his limbs, I don't want to get up. He's stroking my hair and kissing the back of my neck softly. I glance out the window at the sunlight shining across the room, providing a happy scene that I revel in for a couple seconds.

We're both still naked, his whole body pressed to mine, his arm not tangled up in my hair is wrapped around my middle. "Morning, love." He says quietly. I smile and turn my head to look at him, eyelids drooping, hair sticking out in a mess of curls.

"G'morning." He smiles back, kissing my shoulder.

"What time do you have to meet your cousin?" He asks, his arms shifting around me to lie his head on my chest. He gazes up at me with a blissful expression.

"One, but Laf and Herc want me to come say bye to them at noon." He hums in understanding. I glance at his digital clock on the nightstand. Ten-thirty-six. "I'm gonna take a shower, ok?" I pull away from him reluctantly and stand beside the bed as his eyes rake over my bare body. I self-consciously cross my arms as he sits up on his knees on the bed, taking my hands from my chest.

"Can I join you?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows seductively. I giggle at how ridiculous he looks, but nod all the same. He trails after me to the bathroom down the hall, still holding one of my hands until I need it to turn on the shower. He waits until the water is warm, then pulls me with him into the tub and shuts the curtain. We stand beneath the warm stream together for a while, his hands roaming up and down my skin that is slick from the water. I smile at the sensation and lean into him, letting myself relax completely.

I eventually pour some of his shampoo into my hand and start to wash his hair for him. He tilts his head back and lets me massage his scalp for a while, until I have to wash my own hair and rinse it out.

When we're done he wraps his arms around me and I'm not complaining when we spend another couple of minutes just standing together in the shower, the occasional kiss being pressed to the other's lips. We eventually have to get out when John's phone rings. I pout, but let him go. He wraps a towel around his waist, handing me one while he disappears behind the door to the bedroom.

I stand before the mirror after drying off. I grin back at my reflection, unable to wipe the expression from my face. I wonder if I'll look different to Lafayette and Hercules or to my family. I wonder if they'll be able to tell that something happened. I force my lips into a flat line, but my eyes still shine. I dress quickly in a sweater and jeans, then walk back to the bedroom where John is pulling on a pair of jeans.

My phone informs me I have about twenty minutes before noon. I sigh reluctantly and look at John with puppy dog eyes. He frowns and hugs me. "You'll be back in a couple of days, remember?" I nod and let him kiss me fully on the lips, something I'll have to go without until after Christmas.

We walk together to his car, our hands linked. He tells me he'll just drop me off on campus and call me later tonight. I agree to this arrangement, still wishing I didn't have to go. He kisses my cheek one last time before I get out of the car. "I love you," he mumbles to my cheek. I blush, still not able to get over the words he says.

"I love you too." I emerge from the car with a face-splitting grin that stays on my face until I get to my dorm room. I pick up my bag from my bed and knock on Lafayette's door to drop it off before I go say goodbye to Hercules who got stuck with a shift right before he heads home for the break. He stops me before I can leave though.

"Wait." He says, grabbing my arm and making me turn around. He raises an eyebrow at me. "You look different, mon ami." He taps my shoulder. "Tell me what happened. Is it about John?" He smirks at me as I blush and look at my shoes.

"It's nothing." I smile at him and twist away from his hand. I run out into the hall, Lafayette shouting at me to tell him when I get back. I just laugh and run to the elevator and walk across to the cafe.

Before I can enter the coffee shop I see John sitting at a table through the window. I'm about to walk in and ask him what he's doing here when a girl with brown corkscrew curls and a face caked with makeup walks over and sits across from him. She glances around the shop, then turns back and leans in to whisper something to John. He cracks a smile and reaches up to touch her arm. She leans in toward him and laughs at something he says. He tilts his head toward her, narrowly missing her lips.

That's all I need to see before my face is burning and tears threaten to roll down my face. How could I think he loved me? How could I let him take my virginity and trick me into trusting him? He probably did this as some big joke, there's no way anyone could love someone like me anyway.

I feel stupid. I don't want to even face Lafayette. He probably knows how dumb I've been. I go into my own dorm instead of his, collapsing on my small bed that feels incredibly empty as I stare around at my vacant room. I curl in on myself and let my shoulders shake as I sob quietly to myself, feeling pathetic for even crying.

A minute or so later there's a knock on the door. I roll my eyes, it's probably Aaron, he most likely forgot his key. I don't really feel like dealing with him, or anyone at the moment.

"Alex?" A familiar French accent calls. I only roll my eyes harder. I don't get up, he'll just leave my bag by the door and let me suffer alone.

I guess I underestimated my own stupidity, because Lafayette turns the knob easily and walks straight into the room. "Go away." I grunt. He walks over and sets my bag on the ground beside my bed and sits next to my legs.

"What happened?" He asks, setting his hand on my shoulder. "You were so happy earlier."

"Yeah... I guess it was a one-way thing." I say, pressing my face to my pillow. Lafayette makes a noise of confusion and I have to turn around to explain it to him. It'd be too much to keep it completely closed up. I tell him about the girl he was with. I tell him how he said he loved me, how dumb I feel for trusting him. When I'm done, he leans over and hugs me, his face hard now.

"Don't worry, I will see what is going on." I nod, too emotionally exhausted to do anything different. 

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