Stroke of luck

395 22 6

Hamilton|First Person

I knew something was up from the moment Daniel picked me up. I had turned off my phone for what time I would be spending with my cousin and aunt. Daniel wasn't himself though, he wasn't particularly quiet or anything, just off.

At time he cracked jokes and smiled just like always. My aunt cooked all throughout the week, Daniel and I helping occasionally. We exchanged gifts on Christmas and smiled all day. I block out college life, giving half answers when I'm asked about it.

The day after Christmas before I leave to go back to my dorm, I find myself walking through town at some outdoor market selling an assortment of junk. I pass by a couple of books that make me immediately think about how great a present they'd be for John.

I pick through piles of books for a while, finding nothing else of interest and eventually giving in and buying something. As I'm walking toward the subway that will give me a ride back to campus, I hear a voice I haven't heard in nearly a year.

"Alexander!" It cheers, high pitched and joyful. I wipe the mopey expression from my face and turn with a fake smile plastered on. Right there, in the flesh, Eliza and Thomas, my old "friends".

"Hi." Thomas has his arm around Eliza who shivers in her thin sweater and leggings. I feel a spark of anger that I try to stomp out at him. It's not that I like Eliza, I just despise the idea of her being with Thomas Jefferson of all people.

"What's up, Alex?" Thomas asks. I want to roll my eyes at him, but I refrain for Eliza's sake.

"Nothing much. I'm just about to head back to campus." Thomas nods and leans over to pick up a tattered book from one of the tables. Eliza pouts at him as she leaves her without any warmth. She wraps her arms around herself and I hold out my hand to her. She takes it and I put my arm around her waist. "Let's go inside, yeah?" She nods, still shivering.

We walk into the nearest store that seems to be selling second-hand clothes. "She breathes out a breath of white smoke and giggles. I smile at her, remembering how adorable she was when we were kids. I never exactly had a real crush on her, but I did think she was attractive. Maybe Thomas thinks so too.

"What's up, Alex. For real." She crosses her arms and leans on a display of beanies.

"Honestly?" I ask, she nods. I feel the old sense of our friendship coming back and I'm unable to hold back all the thoughts that have been bouncing around my skull since I left for Daniel's apartment. "I'm having relationship problems." She hums and takes one of my hands between her smooth dainty ones.

"I know how it is." She sighs. "What happened?"

"Well, there was this guy and we got really close, kind of quickly when I look back on it." I look at my feet, a little upset with myself for the way I progressed John and I's relationship. "He told me he loved me and all this crap..." I look at her to see if she's still paying attention. Of course she is. "Well, I thought he was cheating on me, but now I'm not so sure." She bites her lip, seeming to think this over.

"Well, what do you think now?"

I tug my hand away from hers and rub my eyes, at a loss for words. This is where I've been getting stuck the past few days. "I'm not sure. I mean, I turned on my phone this morning and had twelve voicemails from him. Do you think I should listen to them?"

"I would. At least hear his side, then you can decide if you want to cut him out completely. Though from the way you look when you talk about him I find that hard to believe." She winks at me and I blush.

"Thanks, Eliza. I've missed you."

She smiles. "I'm always a phone call away, Lexie." I grin at my old nickname.

"Ready to go?" Thomas asks from the doorway to the store. "James is waiting."

"Who's James?" I ask.

Eliza waves her hand at Thomas. "I'll be out in a second." She grins at me and wiggles her eyebrows. "James in Thomas's boyfriend." She giggle and my mouth drops open.

"Really?" She nods.

"I gotta go, Alex. I'll see you around, yeah?" I nod and she ducks out of the store, back out into the street. I feel the equivalent of a face palm. How could I think Thomas liked Eliza? I smile and shake my head to myself, starting my walk to the subway once again.

Once I'm on board and seated, I start to look through my phone. There's a couple of emails, the rare text message. I find myself looking through my pictures, the last one taken was one that Angelica took for us in the cafe before John and I went to his apartment for our last night together before I left for break. I feel a twinge of loneliness in my chest at the sight, wondering what would happen if I just texted him right now.

My finger goes to my voicemail instead, and right there in the middle of a busy subway train, I finally listen to what he has to say. 

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