I met Myles Cooper on a Wednesday morning in April of 2021. It was that time of year in the south when the spring weather is mild and perfect for just about anything outdoors. I had just gotten home from dropping the kids off at school to find a U-Haul partially blocking my drive.
The downside to living on the fringes of town is that the houses are built just close enough to sometimes be inconvenient. With a second white and orange truck already backed into the drive, the front of its offending partner was hanging over into just enough of my lot that I couldn't squeeze my Tahoe into my driveway beside my house.
With a grumble to myself about inconsiderate movers, I drove around and parked on the curb out front. After checking that no cars were approaching, I hopped out with my keys and phone in hand and hurried inside, dialing my best friend and business partner.
"Are you riding with me to the bakery?" I asked when Natalie answered.
"Nah, I think I'll skip this morning," she said, and I could hear the weariness in her voice. "I think Cade gave me his stomach virus."
Cade was Natalie's four year old. I can't say that Cade and Isaac were as close as their mothers were. They fought constantly when together, and poor Breslin played an outstanding referee, but they begged for play dates and were always trading from each other's extensive Hot Wheels collections. So, that must have meant they liked each other well enough, right?
"Twelve or twenty four hours?" I asked, feeling a touch of sympathy for my best friend.
"Twelve, thank god," Natalie replied. "And thank god for Sam."
I smiled at the mention of Natalie's husband. He was so good to her and great with their son. I could imagine Natalie lounging in bed while Sam brought in a glass of orange juice and some Dramamine. I imagined he was always doing things like that for her and often teased her that I was going to kidnap him and keep him in my closet to live out his life as my man servant and play thing. Sam even got in on it sometimes and would drape an arm around my shoulder to stage whisper about me coming by the gym around closing.
Of course, Natalie knew it was all a big joke and always took it with a little teasing in return. I wouldn't play like that if I ever thought it would cause problems. Besides, she was gorgeous with her dark hair and brown eyes topping a leggy and very fit five feet and five inches. She made thirty look like life goals and totally complimented Sam's somewhere around six feet, dark blonde hair, and piercing green eyes.
That's not to say I thought I couldn't hold up in comparison. At thirty two years old I came in at a fairly fit five feet and one inch with blonde hair and blue-green eyes. Considering I've had two kids to Natalie's one, I liked to think my curves made up for my lack of leg, and let's not forget my winning personality and clever wit.
Besides all that, Natalie was my best and closest friend. My only friend, really. She was the sister I never had and always wanted. She was the kind of friend most people never have the good fortune of finding. Good days, bad days, need help or a babysitter or someone to vent to after a long day, she was there. Need somewhere to escape still in your pajamas and your hair unbrushed and in a messy bun, she was there.
We weren't the kind of friends who went out every other weekend to drink and dance. In fact, I can count on one hand how many times we went out just us girls. Our thing was loading up the kids and getting the group together for some games and a few drinks and good food over some Cards Against Humanity while the kids did whatever it is they did when unsupervised. Our boys had sleepovers with each other, and we babysat each other's kids and took them out to the lake and the park and for ice cream together. And when Breslin was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2020, she and Sam were right there to make sure Isaac made it to my mom's while Breslin and I spent a week in Lebonheur Children's Hospital, and she and Sam were right there with us in diabetes education classes learning how to help take care of my baby girl.

Disney Got It Wrong
RomanceI'm Raegan Evans. Thirty-two years old, small business owner, blogger, stay at home mom, and did I mention I'm single? That makes me something of a super hero, doesn't it? Or maybe its just that I live in a small town in Mississippi where there aren...