Myles: Good morning sweetheart. How is Breslin this morning?
Me: Good morning! She's fine. Her usual sassy self. Thank you for asking.
Myles: Glad to hear it. Did you sleep well?
Me: Honestly? Not really. Woke up every little bit stressing her numbers. They were fine all night but it worries me when she has a random low like that. I'll sleep better when her body finally gets its act together.
Myles: I can imagine. Woke up concerned about her myself. Glad to hear that all is back to normal. Wyd today?
Me: Got a blog post to work on for the weekend. Taking advantage of a kid free home while I have the chance.
Myles: Awesome. Can't wait to read it. You scored a new fan btw. I really like your style. You're fun to read.
Me: Thank you!
That short exchange with Myles while I hustled through the morning routine with the kids did a lot toward alleviating my lingering worries about the day before. I still felt like I had some apologizing to do, but I wasn't stressing so much anymore.
About mid morning, while I was running through some emails from my sponsors and reviewing new ad spaces for the blog, I paused long enough to send Myles a snap of my writing space with my open laptop, notebook, and a few different colored pens and highlighters. I fired it off with the caption, "Hard at it. How's your morning going?" I had just set my phone back down when the message alert pinged on my phone.
Derek: Will you meet me for lunch? We need to talk.
With a sour face and a very thorough roll of my eyes, I set my phone down by my laptop and turned back to my work. No way was I giving him the time of day. If he couldn't take the hint I sent when I didn't bother to answer him yesterday, that was his problem. Derek was officially old news, and I wasn't one for that kind of nostalgia. And better yet...
I picked my phone up once more to block his number, then I blocked him on social media as well. That would give him a taste of his own medicine and cut communication ties.
When I finally got through my emails and answered a few comments on my last post, I tried to get a start on my next blog post. But then my doorbell rang. I leaned over my desk to peek out the window and saw Derek's truck parked in my driveway.
If I had ever wished for a garage to hide my car so I could pretend I wasn't home, I sure as hell was wishing for one in that moment. I really didn't want to have the argument we were surely about to have. I hate conflict, and I'd had my fill of it the day before.
My doorbell rang a second time, and I sighed wearily as I shuffled to the door. I looked through the curtain over the little window in the door to confirm that it was Derek standing on the other side, called up all the patience I still had left, and opened the door to stare at him blankly while I waited for him to say whatever it was he was there to say.
"Hey," he began, offering me an uncertain smile.
"What do you want?" I asked, choosing to bypass any and all pleasant pretense.
"To talk," he said. "To apologize. Can I come in?"
I stepped out on the front porch and closed the door behind me, crossing my arms as I leaned against the outer door frame. He gave me the usual quick once over, and I was secretly proud of myself for actually putting in a little effort this morning, wearing a pair of fitted denim shorts and a pink plaid shirt instead of running around like a crazy woman in my sweats like I usually did. Let him kick himself in the ass for what he lost while he groveled at my feet for the forgiveness he wouldn't be receiving.

Disney Got It Wrong
RomanceI'm Raegan Evans. Thirty-two years old, small business owner, blogger, stay at home mom, and did I mention I'm single? That makes me something of a super hero, doesn't it? Or maybe its just that I live in a small town in Mississippi where there aren...