Chapter 2

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September 3, Monday

Hallway 8:04am

The smell of turkey burgers and sushi filled the room as the Pretty Committee struted through the Cafe. Like Massie had expected, the Cafe was re-modeled: The walls screamed a bright yellow, the tables were painted a dark rosy red, and the floor was a marble white. Massie was nervous inside, but didn't show it. Her ears filled with ringing noise of the cash register kah-chinging everytime someone bought some lunch, and the only noise, besides that, that she could hear is clinging sound of a clutter of BFF Tiffany charm bracelets and the tapping noise of her new gold Jimmy Choo wedges hitting the floor.

They all held hands as they strutted down the center and Alicia could feel Claire's sweat as they finally arrived at their lockers. "Ew! Kuh-laire, maybe you should wear gloves next time." Alicia insisted as she wiped her sweat-filled hand on her navy Ralph Lauren V-neck. A HART boy walked pass them and smiled at Claire. "Ooh, Claire that boy is perfect to flirt with." Dylan winked. Massie gave an approving wink and shoved Claire to talk to him. She suddenly felt her self sprinting down the hall to the boy's lockers. She finally found HART boy and tapped on him, using one of the excuses to talk to him that the Pretty Committee tought her. "Um, have you seen my chemistry book?" Claire lied. "Um no, do you like chemistry?" He tried, obviously trying to flirt too. "Kinda, it's kind of a bore!" Claire sighed. Screeeeech! The sound of the mic for announcements and Principal Burns booming voice blared over the speaker. "Dear students, football try-outs and cheerleading try-outs are today at three, please attend, thank you." Burns snarled and cut off the mic. Claire could see that HART boy wants to try-out for football by the big "Football Ex" book he was carrying.

Brrrrrinnnngg!! The bell rung over the slam of metal lockers. "What do you have for first period?" He asked, clutching his textbooks. "Geography." Claire said feeling like Kristen because she memorized her schedule. "Me too, see you there, oh and name is Matthew." HART boy said as he scurried down the hall. "CLAIRE!" Claire shouted down the hall.

The BombShelter

2:37pm The Room

Massie fully-hearted the fact that they got a new room and moved it to the new high school and the fact that they re-decorated it. The walls were a sea green and the floors were marble black. Over the screeching of Kristen's soccer cleats against the shiny floor, Alicia clanking nail polish bottles together, and Dylan smaking a low-fat Health Bar, Massie switched on the new remodeled sy camera that they re-put in the share bear and made sure no one could see it, the boy's ESP class was moved into Kristen's history teachers, Mr. West, old classroom.

Massie finally found the purple diamond ecrested remote under the feathery blue lounge chair. Massie had replaced the movie director seats with six gold princess thrones each one witj the same pattern but different colors. Massie had real purple diamonds along the backing, royal purple scale pattern for the back cushion, pink diampnd encrested handels with pink scale pattern butt cushion, and a purple plate at the top spelled out in pink diamonds, read ALPHA. Alicia had orange diamonds at the top, orange backing, glittery yellow butt cushion, yellow diamond encrested handles, and a pink plate at the top spelled out in orange diamonds, read BETA. Dylan's color sceam was red and green, Kristen's was scarlet and sapphire, and Claire's was green and sky blue.

Massie pressed the ON button on the spy TV and a black and white picture of someone's soccer shoes appeared. The bear must of been on the floor. "Now....." Mr. Lawernce, the new ESP teacher, said as he picked up the bear and sat it on his brown dress pants. "You were saying Mr. Conway before Mr. Harrington dropped the bear." Mr. Lawernce explained as all the boys snickered. A picture of a fast motion room appeared, which meant that Mr. Lawernce threw the bear. "Well I like this girl.....Claire and......" Matthew started as Cam interrupted him. "Claire's MY girlfriend." Cam choked. Claire almost choked and cried when Cam said that, and she knew he wasn't over her and she was missing his one blue eye and one green eye, yet again Matthew has ah-dorable shaggy smooth brown hair and a smile that made you want to melt inside.

"But dude, you told me your not interested in her anymore and plus you're going out with Sierra. MY ex." Matthew shouted. Claire couldn't decide if she wanted to virtual high-five Matthew by the he way smacked Cam with a comeback infront of the whole class or virtually pat Cam on the back. "I'm sorry, I just got to get used to not being with Claire." Cam sighed and signaled Mat that he was done. "I wanted to ask her out for pizza at Slice of Heavan, if that's okay with you, Cam?" Matthew asked sarcasticly yet serious at the same time. "Of course its fine." Cam mumbled, depressingly. "YES!" Mat screeched and high-fived Derrington. Mat slowly handed the bear to Derrington. Massie got goose bumps and was so scared at what he might say and she punched Dylan in her Health Bar covered arm.

"EOW!" Dylan yelped, still chewing on her Health Bar. "Um.....I'd like to talk about my girlfriend, Massie. We've been going out for awhile and we haven't had our third date oe second kiss." Derrington blushed trying to make himself not sound like he's a girl. "Why don't you take her out for pizza, like me?" Mat blurted. Derrington scratched his head. "Um....I guess." Derrington agreed as he tossed the bear onto Mr. Lawerence's desk and the bear was facing the wall. RRRRRIIINNNGGG!!! The bell inside the TV and out rang. "Class dismissed!" Mr. Lawerence yelled over the bell. Massie quickly shut off the TV and raced out the door with rest of the PC. "I declare a serious meeting during lunch so we can talk about what we saw." Massie whispered as theh exited the bomb shelter and locked the door.

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