Chapter 9

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BOHS-Parking Lot
September 24, Monday

For the first time ever, Massie was actually happy to see

Layne and her wearing a pink glittery tool belt. Alicia shoved Layne out the Range Rover and stepped on the concrete. "Finally some air," Alicia took a big wift of the cold humid air "I couldn't breathe with Layne munching on the dis-custing peanut-butter Oreos........yuck!" She held her nose and clutch her snake-skin handbag. She click-clacked to the steps of the school and realized that she left everyone behind. "Leesh.....we have to discuss the plan again." Massie said and motioned her over.

Alicia steadied her walk and walced over to the PC and Layne. "Does everyone remember the plan?" Massie asked when Alicia joined their huddle. Everyone nodded. "Good!" Massie smiled deviously and happily at the same time. Claire had never seen Massie so happy. She was so happy that it was getting ah-nnoying. Claire grabbed Kristen's arm and walked over to Principal Burns' office window because they were on "Look Out" duty. Massie, Alicia, and Layne skidded across the parking lot and up the steps. Claire watched Layne fidget with Massie's bobbie pin in the lock and watched as the lock clicked open and they filed inside.

"Uch, it's sooooo cold out here." Kristen whined and slid down the brick wall of the building. She leaned into a bush and hugged it for warmth. "IKR, want my cashmere sweater?" Claire offered. Kristen unhooked her arms from her bush and looked up at Claire as if she just said she met Justin Bieber. "Ah-nother hand-me-down from Massie?" Kristen asked as she dug her polish-chipped nails in the grass and threw a dirt ball at the parking lot. "No, I saved up some money." Claire smiled proudly feeling weird looking down at Kristen so she slid down the wall too. "Oh," Kristen smiled and stared up at Burns' window. Claire didn't know what to say so she just smiled at Kristen, feeling this akward made her want to scream.


Massie tied her hair into a glossy bun and made sure her cat black Jimmy Choos were fitted and tip-toed down the hall and to the office. "Re-lax Mass, we're not spys." Alicia called after her from down the hall and rolled her eyes. Massie looked back at her, eyebrow raised and gave the look that said would-did-you-just-say. Alicia gave an inesent smile but Massie slowed anyways. Layne unhooked her tool belt and took out a mini wire cutter.

"Now I just have to cut the SCB wire and trade it with this WST wire and plug it to the laptop and upload the already shot footage which will transport up the SCB amd translate the-" Layne began explaining but Massie cut her off.

"Who cares, we have to hurry now plug in the thing-a-ma-who into the watcha-ma-call-it and get busy, gawd!!" Massie huffed. It was the first time Alicia saw Massie explode all morning and it actually made her envy her. Layne rolled her eyes and did as she was told as Alicia kept watch. Massie searched the office for something to do while she waited but all she came across was the office computer. She always wanted to change something on it. May I suggest the lunch menu. Massie thought. She walced over to the computer desk. "Password?" Massie asked not looking up from the screen. Alicia snapped her head around. "Um....IDK!" She stated. Layne got on top of a chair and turned around. "Try, cat a doodle fifty-two, no spaces." She said. Massie snapped her neck up at Layne. "How do you know that?" She questioned and began typing in the passsword. "'Cause Burns told me the password when I helped install the cameras." Layne explained. Massie nodded and began her computer search. Alicia sprited back into the room and rushed to Massie's side.

"What are you doing?" Alicia asked. "Looking up top secret info." Massie said like it was nothing. Suddenly a viberating sound came from Massie's pocket. It was Dylan.
Dylan: I'm at Amber's locker, wat now?
Massie: Stay there me leesh and layne will be there in a few
Dylan: kkay

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