Leave me Alone!

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      I left my last class after a long day of sitting in the back, holding books over my head and dodging notes. Finally I could go home after all of that dreadful torture called my life.  I waited until I thought everyone was gone and walked out into the empty hallway, or that's what I thought.
      While walking I heard someone, that's when I knew I wasn't alone.  "Hey loser!" I turned and saw the kid that hurt me earlier.  This was obviously not a good sign, it never was.  "What do you want" I said quietly but trying to sound challenging in a way.  It didn't work very well though. "Haha! Not so strong without Fresh are ya?" He laughed.  Then out of nowhere he hit me hard across the face. Ink fell onto the floor.  "Oh! That reminds me!   I heard water fades you!" He got a bucket and splashed the dirty water that was inside onto me.  I faded to a  dark gray that slowly got lighter.  Ink was all over the floor in a big black puddle.  "Please stop...Leave me alone!" I said tears filling my eyes.  "Why would I stop for someone like you?" He held up his fist and I looked down ready for whatever attack he had planned next.  I knew I had nothing to defend myself with, and I couldn't fight him without killing myself.
     But I heard Mr. Fresh instead.  "What are you doing!?" He yelled at the kid.  I looked up Relived to see him, but also confused because I didn't know why he was here.  But I didn't question his actions.  "I-I Uhh" "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yelled angerly and fiercely at the kid.  Purple flared behind his shades, showing his anger.  And it started to get brighter by the second.  He was honestly beginning to frighten me, like if I said anything, or got in the way.  He would hurt me.  "Y-Yeah b-b-but" The kid was unsure of what to say, stuttering with every word on pure pressure.  "RUN OFF OR I'LL HURT YOU" Mr. Fresh warned clearly ready to smack him as hard as he could.  "T-That's what you s-said last time!" The kid pointed out, but he was still shivering from head to toe, and I bet he wet himself.  He shouldn't have said that.  "Oh DON'T BELIEVE ME?"
      Mr. Fresh picked up the kid by his shirt, and threw him at the wall, with what seemed to be steam coming from every visible hole in his body. The kid screamed in pain as he hit it, and almost made a body mark inside of the hard surface he hit.  Mr. Fresh walked over and picked up the kid by his collar, breathing heavily and ready to kill this kid.  Then he took off his shades revealing, his eyes glowing purple with an angry expression that scared me a bit, but I didn't get a very close look.   He raised his fist, and began to punch the kid endlessly until his hand was numb.  Every hit was like the kid was dying over and over again. Soon when Mr.Fresh stopped, he let go of the kid and he, fell to the floor.  Fresh stepped on his head and said in a normal but still terrifying and threatening tone.  "Do I make myself clear now?".  The kid did not reply, blood was everywhere, and he seemed pale and lifeless.  I Bet the kid, was almost dead from all the pain and misery he was put through.  Fresh, took his foot of his head left him for someone else to find.  I was a little traumatized, Mr. Fresh seemed scary, and I knew he was very powerful.
      Mr. Fresh looked at me with regret and guiltiness spread across his face, but he acted as if it never happened. "Come on, he wont bother you anymore" He said.  I followed him, slightly embarrassed that I was gray.  "I'm sorry you had to see that" He apologized suddenly, while putting his hand on his head.  I was surprised he said sorry and quickly said "Don't worry! I think it was awesome that you hurt him! You showed him who's boss!" I said happily, while making punching motions.  He smiled and blushed a bit. "Heh thanks little broski"
      We got to my house soon, because he wanted to walk with me.  I walked up to my porch and I turned to say goodbye "Thanks again Mr. Fresh! I'll see you tomorrow" I said with a big smile, and waving my hand at him.  "Anytime my wiggity awesome pal, see ya" I opened my door and walked in.
      I saw both of my grandmas were over, and they saw me first.  My mom looked up and gasped.  Shoot the ink must still be faded  I thought.  She quickly ran over to me, when she saw my condition.  "What happened!? Mom get a towel!" My grandma quickly got up to find a towel.  "Nothing mom, I just fell into a puddle" I lied.  She noticed I was hurt, but I don't know how.  "Don't lie to me! Tell me what happened!" She demanded.  I sighed "I just got bullied- But Mr. Fresh saved me!" I said.  "Fresh? That imbasul kid.." She mumbled.  "What?" I asked.  "Nothing! Lets get you cleaned up" She said. 

Fresh's POV

      I turned to start walking on my own, back to my place.  PJ was a nice kid, she was kind of cute too.  I would do anything to make sure she was safe, even though I just met her. I've never done so much for someone before.  Honestly it was weird.
      I opened my door.  It was kind of disappointing to not say "I'm home" To anyone because I live alone.  But it was no biggy, that's what I told myself.

      I laid on my bed clueless on what to do, this was everyday of my life.  Come home, and have nothing to do. I got on my phone and like the sad person I was I had no friends, so I just went and played Cat Simulator since there was nothing better to do.  Besides I was worn out, I had to save PJ and I don't really ever have to do that. Usually I'm never challenged, people fear me because I'm older.  But not today.

Time skip

      The next morning I started riding my skateboard to school, and I passed by PJ's house who was outside with who I'm guessing is her mom.
      I stopped and picked up my skateboard.  "Hey PJ my little broski! Wanna walk with ya ol pal Fresh?" I asked.  PJ turned to face me.  "Oh! Mr. Fresh! Yeah I'll walk with you!" She said happily.  Dang, how can she be happy with what she goes through? Then again its the same for me, but different.  Very, different.
      "Bye mom!" PJ said and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, since PJ was a little too short to do the forehead without her mom leaning over.  "Okay bye sweetie" She said in a mother-like tone.  Then she looked up and we both made eye contact.  She gave me a dirty look, a very disgusting and dirty look.  Wait. That's INK!? Oh shoot, her mom just HAD to be ink! Welp, this is just gonna be GREAT.  
      Trying to ignore her evil glare I looked at PJ who finally got up to me.  "Well lets go" I said and began to walk.  "Hey wait up!" She said following me.  I laughed.  I swear she was like a little sister, but so much more than that. 

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