Seeing Paperjam

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Freshs POV

"Really!?" I asked. Clearly overjoyed and on the merge of exploding.  "Yep! I can take you to her room" She said with a big smile.  "Well of course I want to see her!" I yelled, about to die.  Fika laughed.  "Well I brought your clothes, you should change first" She put my clothes on my bed.  "Okay"I'll meet you outside"
She went outside, and I put my clothing on.  I Put on my shades and walked to my door.  I opened it and saw Fika waiting outside.  "Okay! You look great, lets go" I grabbed onto her arm, and we began to walk to Paperjams room.  I was actually a little embarassed because it was like I was a baby learning how to walk.
I almost fell a few times, I wasn't very relaxed because I can finally see Pj! After this time I can finally see her! To be honest, it will be a little awkward.
Soon, we got to a room.  "Wait here" She said.  I leaned against the wall to catch my breath.  And Fika knocked on the door, then opened it.  "Paperjam? Someone is here to see you" She said.  She then turned to look at me "Go on in, but be gentle" She said.
I got up, and went to the door, I peeked in.  "Broski?" I asked with a smile.  Her eyes lit up when she saw me.  "FRESH!!" She said happy to see me.
I slowly walked in, and almost fell but got to the side of her bed.  "A-are you okay? You were having trouble walking" She asked.  "I'm fine" I said.  I then hugged her.  "I've missed you... Its been so long and I thought I would go crazy if I had to wait any longer" I said quietly.  She hugged me back.  "Me too"
I looked at her, and she saw my glasses, so she took them off.  "I've never seen your eyes very clearly before" She said.  I was embarassed, yes I havent worn my shades for a couple of weeks but still, I get nervous.
"Their beautiful" She said in awe. "R-really?" I asked.  "Of course!"  I smiled.  Then I kissed her.  I felt her kiss me back, and it stayed that way for a long moment.  I held her in my arms, and then I slowly pulled away.  "I love you so much... And I'm so sorry" I said.  "Huh w-what do you mean?" She asked.  I felt myself, starting to cry.  "I can't believe I left you alone, I thought you hated me... And now thanks to me your here... And even then, I had to fight Error.  And I have no idea where he is... I'm a terrible person, I can't believe I put you through that.  Its all my fault..." I cried.  "N-no! I-its not your fault!" She reassured me trying to calm me down.  "No it is, if I had just been there for you, you wouldn't be here and we could be happy, and this would have never happened" I said.  "No its my fault, I got mad at you, and I didn't understand what you go through every day and I just made it worse" I hugged her.
"I don't care anymore... Your safe, I just wanted to know you were safe... " I said.  She hugged me back, and we sat there for a moment.
"So how are you?" I asked trying to change the subject.  "I'm doing better, I'm told I can go home soon!" She said.  I looked her in the eyes and said. "Really? Thats great, I can go home soon too". "Yay! We should go together" I nodded in agreement.  "Yeah, we should"
We both told each other about things we had done, and had a great time.  In all I was just so happy to see her.  We both had been through a lot, and we just needed to get away from all of it.  Or distract ourselves. 
Soon Fika opened the door.  "Okay Fresh, I'm sorry but you need to go back to your room, you two have beem here for 4 and a half hours and its almost midnight" She said.  "Oh.. Okay" I kissed Jammys forehead and said.  "I'll see you soon"
I got up and Fika helped me back to my room.  I layed on my bed.  "So how was it?" She asked.  "It was amazing! I Was so happy I finally got to see her!" I began to tell her what happened.
Soon I went to sleep, I had a long day.  But I could barely sleep.  I Couldn't wait to see her again.  But eventually I did fall asleep. 
I woke up the next morning and saw Fika putting down my food.  "Oh you're awake" She said.  "I'm just giving you breakfast, also later today we're going to practice your magic okay?" She said.  "Okay, can I See Pj Today?" I asked.  "If you get done with everything maybe" She replied.  "Oh okay".
I ate and she left. After I didn't know what to do, she never took the papers and pencil back from when I wrote Jammy a letter so I drew somethings.
Soon Fika came back with lunch.  "Okay, you can eat but then we're going to practice magic" She instructed.  "Okay" I ate my food and then put it aside.
"Alright stand up" I stood up as told.  "Lets do simple magic, make your eyes glow" She said.  "But that only happens when I get emotional, like nervous or mad" I said.  "Oh okay, I Might as well tell you something..." She said lowering her voice.  "What?" She looked at me "Paperjam... Might not make it" "WHAT!?" My eyes began frantically glowing.  "There we go! Don't worry Fresh, I only said that to see if your eyes would glow" She said.  "Oh..." I began to calm down.  But I was kind of mad that she tricked me.  Especially about Jammy.
"Okay now try to make your hands glow" She instructed.  "Okay"  I Put up my hands. And concentrated.  "Okay..." I began to see a flare.  "That isn't enough, pretend your fighting someone, you can't do anything with that!" She said pressuring me.  "Grr" I imagined Error there, going to hurt PJ.  And then, the flare got bigger and my entire body started glowing.  "You- You- IDIOT!" And it was shot at the wall, and made a huge dent.  "H-huh?" I asked.  I was confused.  "Oh my god..." Fika said shocked.  "What? That didnt do anything!" I said.  "Yes it did! People that use magic have never made a dent in the wall before!" She said.  "Oh..." I suddenly felt dizzy and sat down.  "Thats enough for today, that must have taken a lot of energy" She said.  "Yeah no kidding"

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