Where Error went

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Fresh's POV

I stood in shock for a moment, so frozen in one position but I wasn't cold I just couldn't move.  Out of everything the could have heard they heard that?  I knew they would end up hearing the wrong thing, but I didn't think it would have such a drastic turn.  I laughed, which probably scared them more.  Then I thought for a moment,  I could use this.  If I say I did, they would surely fear me and not want to go near me, and if I threaten them from getting anywhere near PJ they'll surely leave her alone, right? Besides, I did technically kill him.

I looked at them with a smirk on my face, and they were even more terrified.  "You know what? I did kill him, and I plan to kill every single person that ever bothered my PJ, starting with you and your little group" I threw my crutches and my eyes started to glow.  Then I took a step forward and they started scrambling backwards. I felt I would fall at any moment but I did my best to keep my balance and seem intimidating.  Some of the kids yelled "No please! We'll do anything just please don't kill us!!"  I stopped in my tracks. "Anything?" they nodded, and I chuckled. My plan was working perfectly, not a dent to be seen. "Fine I'll make you little dirt bags a deal, I'll let you go, as long as NO ONE bothers PJ or me ever again" They all said "Okay!" Putting their hands in their air as if they were surrendering to my will.  Then I got close to their faces as my glowing eyes lit up the small space around us in a light but deep purple. "And IF you fail to keep this deal, I will come for all of you.  And you'll regret it"  They nodded and then ran away screaming.

I was surprised that worked so well, but I wasted so much magic doing that, I fell onto the floor and my eyes stopped glowing.  I suddenly felt guilt rush over me, I may have went too far on them. I mean threatening to kill them? That would definitely make me jump and not sleep for probably a month.  I pulled myself up and grabbed my crutches, It's best not to worry about the past. I can just tell them what happened if anything goes wrong, and hopefully they'll understand.


I walked out of my classroom, it was the end of the day and it surprised me that no one got even close to me. I looked at the paper I had in my hand. "Hmm.. I'm partners with Palette, I wonder where he is?" I looked around and spotted Palette at his locker. I walked over to him, "Hey Palette!" I said happily. "Oh hey PJ what's up?" He asked looking at me.  "Well we're partners for the History assignment, so.. do you want to come to my place to work on it?" I questioned and he just smiled. "Sure thing! Maybe we can get this project done today!" I smiled back, "Yeah!" And then we both walked down the hall to my house.

It was kind of strange, Palette seemed fine to be around me. He never bullied me, and he was super cool.  But then again, so much more people were terrified to be around me.  As we were walking someone came up to Palette and whispered something in his ear. He turned and looked at me eyes wide and I just turned my head confused. "Uhh.. sorry PJ I just remembered I can't come over today, just start on the project without me okay?" He said, with a tone almost like he was in a hurry.  "Aww, okay" "Sweet! Bye!" Then Palette and the kid ran away from me. That was... weird.  Palette is usually super friendly but today, all the sudden it's like he wanted to get away from me.

I continued walking home on my own, thinking about what just happened.  He just couldn't come over all of the sudden? Maybe that kid was reminding him. It's best not to think to much into it.  I read over the paper I was still holding, to stop worrying and start focusing.

History Assignment,

Paperjam and Paperjam's parents, you have been assigned to work with Palette on this History project. It must be related to the surface in some way, you can mention articles but it must be your own work.  If you leave any part out it will take out points from your grade. If you or your partner does not participate in any way, you both will receive loss of points leading to your A.  If for some reason you fail to complete the assignment for forget to bring it, you both will receive an automatic F. Some requirement's for this assessment are:

1. Must have a typed paper related to your topic, that must be at least 2 pages.

2. Be creative with the way you will present your assignment.

3. You and your partner must both equally work as hard and not mix in other topics.

This project is due in 3 days.  If you fail to meet all the requirements you both will receive an F on this assignment.

I sighed. I wish I could work with Palette on this project, I have no idea on where to start.  I got to my house and went inside, Fresh wasn't back yet so I went to my room to work on the project alone.

Fresh's POV

I struggled to get up the porch steps on my way home, I opened the door and saw PJ's grandma, Error's mother.  She was talking to Ink when she turned and looked at me. I felt I was going to die, who knows how terrifying Error's mom was.  "A-are y-y-you Fresh?" She asked having a different glitched voice as Error.  One that a lot calmer and more soothing, kind of.  "Uh.. yeah" I said mentally screaming.  But instead of starting to yell at me she smiled and walked over, "L-Let me h-help y-you" She said. Then she helped me get onto the couch.  "Wait... I don't understand, your not mad at me for what happened to your son?" I asked. "Oh n-no I'm n-not.  I f-feel it w-wasn't y-your fault.  E-Error was a-always s-stubborn and o-obsessed w-with souls, I t-think where he i-is n-now m-might help h-him or, if a-anything k-keep the w-world safer" She said sitting down next to me.  I smiled "Thanks, I'm really sorry for what happened, If I wasn't so careless maybe I could have helped him and he would still be here" I said quietly. "L-look y-you can't c-change the p-past n-now c-can you?"  She gave me a reassuring smile, telling me everything was okay.  "A-Anyway, I'm C-Corra" She said. "Nice name Corra" I replied.

We were both talking for awhile, about all kinds of things.  I then said "But.. if Error's not dead, then where did he go?"  She thought for a moment. "W-well, probably a m-magical  p-place, like a-another AU? I'm n-not p-positive" She said. That would make sense for him to be in another AU, I mean I'm positive I didn't kill him but that much magic surely would have hurt him, so maybe I did end up sending him to another AU?  "True, he could.." I said, more to myself.  "W-well I s-should h-help Ink, m-maybe y-y-you c-could c-check up on P-PJ?' She said getting up. That was a good idea, I really haven't seen her all day.  I got up too and walked to PJ's room, slowly so I wouldn't fall. I used to wall in the hallway for balance though.

I knocked on PJ's door "Hey are you in there?" I asked. "Yeah come in" I heard her say through the door. I turned the knob and walked inside. "Oh! You're walking" She said when she saw me. "Yeah, it seems to be getting easier, what are you doing?" I asked sitting down next to her.  "Oh it's just some History assignment, I was going to do it with Palette but he said he couldn't" She said sadly. I then knew exactly why, he must have heard about what I said.  "Aw that's a bummer" I said.  "Hey Fresh?" She asked.  "Yeah?"  She looked at me, "I love you" That shocked me a bit, I didn't think she would say it to my face.  "I... I love you too Paperjam, more than anything" She smiled then pulled me into a kiss, a soft, Warm kiss.  I felt I was in the softest blanket.  I held her close to me, as we both didn't break away, we didn't want too. Though suddenly She broke away for a quick moment, "Please, don't ever leave me..." She whispered. "I won't" Then we kissed again.  I just felt so happy and so safe, in her arms.  Something I haven't felt for a long time.  And something I didn't want too lose.

Error's POV

I sat there, floating, like trash. A pile of nothing. So useless. How could this had happened? How did I lose!? I was so angered, I wanted to destroy everything.  But instead there was almost nothing there to destroy.  Fresh is going to pay for what he did to me, I'll be sure to make him suffer. I just have to find a way out of this damn trash hole!  I looked into a small reflection in the water, and saw Fresh and PJ. So happy together, it made me sick. But then I chuckled.  He was already so broken... this is gonna be easy. I told myself, "You have your fun... BEcAuSe ITs nOt gOnNA LaST"


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this story and I hoped you enjoyed! Man I'm so happy it's over but then again I'm so sad it's over!  Thanks so much for all the positive things you've said while in the making of this story, Maybe I'll go back and make it more interesting? Only time will tell, but until then THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

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