The Park

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      I started to walk with Mr. Fresh.  He was just passing by as I was about to leave my house.  I was actually glad he was there.  I felt a lot safer with him, especially of what happened yesterday, It made me feel that Mr. Fresh cares a lot about me.
      Mr. Fresh looked at me and smiled a cool but dopey smile.  "So would mah pal like to go to the park with me today?" He asked.  I instantly blushed and thought.  The park? I wondered if he meant like... a date, WHAT? No way! We just met!  "Um.. Sure!" I said feeling confident and smiled, but realistically exploding inside.
      We got to school and I kind of hid behind Mr. Fresh afraid someone would come after me, who knows how people would react now.  No one did come after me.  No names, no pushing, no nothing. They seemed more afraid, like they would die if they got close.  I heard some whisper "I heard Jax and Fresh got in a huge fight after school yesterday" "Yeah and Jax had to go to the hospital!" "Apparently a teacher found him knocked out in a hallway".  I cant believe the rumor had spread so quickly, and with that things even I didn't know about.  I was actually kind of amazed.
      Me and Mr. Fresh went outside and sat on a bench that was empty.  "Wow the rumors really spread" He said more to himself.  I responded anyway.  "Yeah.. I cant believe it" I said astonished.  "Well hey! At least no one should bother ya, now that you got the great Fresh with ya!" He said heroicly putting his hands on his hips like some super hero.  I laughed a bit "Yeah!" I agreed.  I could tell he was blushing a bit, his face had more color than before.  I was too but, in my mind I was frantically trying to stop it.  The bell rang for us to go to class.  "That was quick" I said kind of disappointing.  "Welp lets go" Mr. Fresh said getting up.

Tem skip :3

Fresh's POV

      I waited outside PJ's last class for her.  People came out and once they saw me they quickly looked away and sped up.  I knew I was feared, I just didn't think it would every get this bad.  Apparently I was wrong.  Finally I saw PJ walk out and she looked happy to see me.  And I was happy to see her.
      "Oh hey Mr. Fresh!" She said to me.  God its so cute how she says that, especially as she closes her eyes and shows a very animated and dedicated smile.  Most likely meaning she is, excited to see me.  "Hey mah smol friend PJ" I said trying to act normal, but inside I felt small tingles of joy and outrageous amounts of optimism and love.  "Lets head to the park now" She said.  "Alright do you need to tell your parents?" I asked her.  "I already did, do you need to tell yours?" My heart dropped when she said that, as it have me thoughts and images I thought I had forgotten long ago.  I tried to play it cool, hoping she wouldn't notice my sudden agony. "Uh yeah they are denfinite coolio with it" I said putting out my hands showing a gesture of my response, or 'Lie'.  "Awesome! Lets go!"
      She grabbed my hand and we ran down the hallway, which was unexpected and I almost fell, which would result in her dragging me.  But only is she was strong enough.  "Whoa! PJ slow down!" I said surprised by how fast a potato could be (anyone get the reference? No? Just me? Okay).  We got out the doors and she slowed down to a stop, again it was unexpected and I almost fell over.  We both took a moment to take a deep breath.  I was surprised we were already tired from such a short distance of running, but my throat already seemed to close and be dry. "Come on" She said.  "The park is this way" We both began walking towards the direction she instructed to go.  "So what are we gonna do?" PJ asked.  "Anything you want little broski" I said with a smile.  Her face seemed to glow with excitement.  She looked so cute, Gah! What am I saying?  I'm so much older than her and she probably doesn't realize it! Heck I'm not suppose to be in her school, but I still am.
     Soon after a long conversation, we got to the park and I stood there shocked for a moment.  I had never gone to the park before only with her so this was a special experience for me.  Not that she was aware.  "Whoa totes radical" I said in awe.  "Haha! I know right? Its beautiful!" She agreed.  Just like you I Thought.  "Lets go there!" She said pointing to a rose maze.  "Okay" I said, willingly.
      We both walked over and looked in.  It looked confusing like we might never find our way out, just an endless road of twists, turns, thorns, and high walls.  "Come on! Lets find our way through it" She said with confidence.  We walked in and took a left followed by other random turns and a few dead ends.  It was taking a long time, and I knew she was starting to lose hope.  I could see her expression change as we got to more and more dead ends. "Hey I think we were just here" She pointed out.  I recognized it too.  The flowers made something like connect the dots, and they all piled up to four in a row with bigger roses, but nothing above.  And the two colors were separated by pink roses and red ones, symbolizing the black color, and the red.  She sighed and sat on the grass.  "We might never find our way out" She said.  I sat beside her.  "Hey what happened to my determined PaperJam? Come on nothing can stop us" I said with a big reassuring smile.  She looked at me and smiled back, either in humor or confidence.  "Your right!" She said jumping up.  I got up and picked a rose giving it to her.  She blushed for a quick moment, almost unnoticeable and said "Thanks, n-now lets go!" And with that we continued on.
      Sure enough we found our way out of the maze, and PJ was practically jumping for joy.  She was just like a little kid that was having their first birthday.  I laughed at the sight "Ya glad we made it out amigo?" I asked.  She stopped and looked at me with a big dopey but accomplished smile.  "Yeah! Thanks Mr. Fresh!" She said.  I blushed a bit "No problem Pb&J" I said with gun fingers.  She rolled her eyes.
      We both went to the playground.  Little kids were running around happily and I looked over at PJ who was practically glowing with fangirlsim (I know Fangirl isnt a real word. But. DOES I LOOK LIKE I CARE? Anyway back to the story :3)  "Ya like little kids?" I questioned.  She took her attention away from the kids for a moment and said "Yeah! They're just so adorable!" Heh, shes adorable.  It took me a long time to realize why I said that -_-.  Even though I've basically been complimenting her beauty in my mind this entire time.
      "Well wanna go get some ice cream?" I asked.  She nodded with something almost like starts in her eyes, that seemed to glow what seemed to be yellow.  We both walked over to a ice cream stand that was across the street.  "Hello! What can I get for you?" The man asked.  He seemed nice enough, he had a gentle but loud voice.  We ordered and sat down on a bench licking our frozen cones. "Thanks for the ice cream Mr. Fresh!" She said not looking away from her delicious treat.  "Its no problem anything for a radical kid like you" I replied.  She giggled at my unhumorous joke.
      Soon we finished our cones and we both sat on the grass under a tree.  The sun was setting, making beautiful blends of red, orange, and yellow.  Who knows how long we were actually here for, the time flew by as if it was never there.  PJ looked worn out a bit, maybe I should take her home soon. "So did you have a funtastical time?" I asked, using my amazing vocabulary as always.  "I did! Im glad we got to hang out today" She said.  I smiled glad to hear that.  We were both quiet for a moment.
      I started to feel slightly nervous, I could feel the cold sweat run down my back.  I might as well give it a shot.  I thought. I moved my hand until I felt hers underneath it.  I knew she was blushing, it was easy to notice since it was a light color apart from her ink like skin.  She then turned her hand up and grabbed mine.  Blush crept across my face, wait. Whats happening to the chill Fresh everyone knows? I'm just suddenly turning soft on a girl I just met, or... re-met.  I smiled.
      I broke the silence between us, "I might as well get ya home my bro" I said getting up and ruining the moment (Mostly for all the readers that were screaming in their pillows).  "O-Oh! R-right" She said.  Why was she stuttering? Was she embarrassed of what I did? This made me mentally freak out, but I didn't show any sign that I was concerned.  We left the park and began walking to her house.  "Well thanks again for asking me to come to the park with you" She said breaking the few seconds of silence.  I smiled "My pleasure".
      We reached her house,   I walked with her up to her doorstep.  "Well I'll see you at school tomorrow!" She said.  "Yeah, see ya" I said.  She turned to open her door but then I said.  "Wait!" She turned back to ask me what I needed, but I answered her question by kissing her cheek.  I turned and started walking home feeling accomplished. 

Watching & Waiting (Fresh x PJ)Where stories live. Discover now