What love is

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Fresh's POV

      Error chuckled. I was surprised it wasn't an insane laugh. Like a psycopath.  Thats what he is. He has killed many AU's before he was ever grown up, not even in highschool.  He met Ink, and that changed everything.  No longer was he the crazy AU Killer, he wants to so badly still. How I know this is because many times day after day.  He wants to kill me.  Ink does too, she created me but she says I was a mistake, Nothing that should exsist in this world.  She knows how dangerous I am, she knows what my powers can do.  She thinks I want to hurt PJ, but that one day. That ONE SINGLE DAY. She thought I was after her daughter.  She wants me gone, at whatever it took.
      I stared into Errors eyes. I dont think he was himself at all. Only little humanity remained.  Even then he'd kill anything... Wait.
      He looked at Ink, who was next to PJ crying.  With his insanity hes gonna kill Ink next! I looked at Error and Ink back and fourth. I have to do Something! I cant wait for it to happen. I yelled at Ink "Ink! Get out of here!" "No! I'm not leaving my baby!!" I was petrified now. My soul was out of control.  "YOU HAVE TO GO NOW!" I yelled. Error held up his hands.  He was going to kill her.  I ran in front of Ink and the strings held my soul with a tight grasp.
      Ink sat in shock staring at me. I yelled with what I could "Ink you have to go now Error will kill you!" She nodded and was hesitant but ran off.  I took deep breaths, one after the other heavily trying to breathe. The strings wrapped around my soul tighter and tighter.
      Error said evily with every word pulling harder.  "I-IF  I-I-I C--C-AN-T  K-KI-IL-L-L  I-IN-K  F-FIRS-S-T  I-I'LL  K-KIL-L  YO-U" I didn't want to die. Not like this.  I have to remember PJ.. She doesn't want me to die. Or would she? No. I need to be there for her. I have to!!
      My eyes began to glow a deep purple.  I move squirming. Trying to break free.  "Y-YOU C-C-CAN-T GE-T-T OU----" I broke free from the strings.  He looked at me surprised. "HoW?"  I looked at him back. And stared dead into his eyes.  "Because I love PJ! I wont die like this!!" I said.  He stayed quiet.  Waiting as if I'll say more. So I did.
      "She means everything to me! You dont understand that I would never hurt her!  If you love her you wouldnt do this!".  He was quiet for a brief moment.  Then chuckled.  "dO yOu EvEN kNoW wHaT LoVe Is? LoVe-- iS AfFecTiOn YoU ShOw jUst a LITTLE MOre fOr SomEoNe" I stood there.  He... Was right.  It wasnt anything special.  But at the same time...
      "LoVe IsNt A fEeLinG, ItS SoMetHinG yOu UsE. PJ DoEsNt lOvE yOu, yOuR fOoLiSh tO tHinK so" He went on.  I clutched my fists.  Bones summomed from the ground.  "No- No thats not true!" I threw one at him.  "Your lying!!" I threw another.  "Im nOt, ShE JuSt WaNtS yOu ThErE. ShE wAnTs To uSe yOu! Do yOu ReMemBer wHat sHe TolD YoU?"
      My mind flashed back.  I was sitting on my bed texting PJ. She found out about what I did a long time ago. I tried to calm her down, it was a misunderstanding.  She was too stubborn though... I remember it. What she told me.

PJ: How can I understand!? You LIED to me! How do I know your not lying now!?

Me: PJ! Im sorry! Please forgive me! Ill never lie again I swear!

PJ: It only took... One more step to ruin it... How could you?

I couldnt believe what she said. It hurt so much.  She suddenly didnt care anymore.

Me: PJ! Please! Listen to me! Im sorry!!

Me: I never meant to hurt you! I didn't know it would happen

Me: I knew you when I saw you.  I hoped you didnt remember. Maybe Ink had gotten over it and realised it was my first time I exposed my powers to anyone. I was unaware how dangerous it was and how it could take me over.  You have to know this...

Me: I understand if you dont want to talk... I love you though

She didnt respond to me.  I thought she hated me. That she wanted me out of her life, forever.  So I didnt go to school.  She didnt text me all day, but then I saw her at my door. I dont think all that happened to her was to make me come back, but she was ready to Die. Thats when I knew I cared about her more than anything.
      I wanted to cry.  Error smirked, he had me where he wanted me.  "fAce iT" He said walking up to me. "ShE WilL nEvEr lOve YoU" and then he summoned a gaster blaster at me.  I knew now, I couldnt do anything. I was ready to die.  This is what everyone wanted anyway...

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