Going home. Finally

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Fresh's POV

I fell into a deep sleep, almost like death came to me instantly.  But yet, I was still alive.  For the most part of my dream it was me alone at my house, like everyday of my life before I made friends and... ended up here.  It reminded me of my mom, and when I was younger.  I remember a few times when she took me to Pj's house to play.  We liked to play in her front yard, and she loved to draw with chalk on the sidewalks, so I would always draw her hopscotch and we would start to play that.                                                                                                                                                             

Even when I wasn't at her house, and at home; my mom would do the best she could to keep me happy and entertained. Mostly she told me funny stories about my dad, and we would play all of my and her favorite games.  But my favorite part is when we would bake together.  We would make all types of sweets cake, brownies, cake pops, cream filled cookies... I remember how they tasted. Yum.

That dream surprisingly didn't make me emotional, it made me feel very happy and at home. But I wasn't.

Soon enough I woke up and I was all alone in the room.  Again. Luckily I'm use to this and I just sat there and waited. I turned my head to the clock. 10:26 p.m, almost 10:30.  I should have gotten dinner by now, actually I was suppose to 2 hours ago.  I didn't mind that Fika was late, because I wasn't very hungry anyway. 

I decided to turn on the TV to pass the time, it was also the only thing that COULD pass the time.  Soon enough after watching a few episodes of Mettaton's Show Fika walked into my room. "Hello Fresh, I decided to stop by and check on you. Even though it's pretty late"  I smiled, kind of happy to see her. "It's no problem, I slept for awhile anyway" I told her.  She let out a sigh of relief, I don't know why but she must have been stressed out or something.  And she just let loose from all her cares.

She looked to the left of her, then she slowly transitioned to saying. "And I also have some news for you"  I looked at her confused, I wonder if it was interesting or not.  I don't think it is, or at least to me.  The most important thing I've been told is that PJ is okay and I could see her.  She must have been waiting for my reaction but I was kind of spacing off so she just continued.  "I talked to your doctor and he said after a few tests you can go home tomorrow afternoon!" She said excitedly.  My eyes lit up with excitement, I was overly joyed but suddenly had questions to ask.  "I can leave? But I can barely walk without help" I said.  She nodded. "We've decided to just give you a wheel chair for now, but there are some conditions, one, you need to stand up and walk for at least 30 minutes each day, two you are allowed to go to school but you cannot be too rough unless you want to injure yourself. Three, you need to take some medications and also come by the hospital each week to have a check up"  I nodded at each of the conditions.  I was just excited to leave this place.

With that she took a breath and said, "So that's basically why I came here, you better get some sleep"  She turned to leave but I stopped her by saying "Wait!"  She turned and looked at me "Yes?" "When will PJ be able to leave?" I asked. She smiled "She's healed very quickly, her wounds actually weren't as severe as they should have been. She can leave when she wants too which I'm guessing; is with you" Then she turned and left my room, with my big stupid smile spread across my face.

~Tem Skip~

I woke up the next morning, and I almost didn't want to get up because I felt so comfortable under my covers that actually weren't as good as a real bed.  The only reason I got up is because I was excited to leave. It was about eleven.  Soon my doctor was gonna come! I really did sleep for a long time.  That's a good thing because I had nothing better to do.

Surprisingly a few minutes later my doctor came in. "Hey Fresh" I was so happy so see him, not because of the tests. But because he was my one way ticket home.  "I'm here to give you some tests before you leave okay?" I nodded wanting him to get started. 

My doctor was a bug, like a cockroach or something.  And he honestly creeped me out, mostly because of his big bug like eyes.  Just... staring...  

He gave me a bunch of different tests, he asked me questions, hooked me up to weird things, and made me do certain things. And I did as I was told so it would go quicker but it was still slow, and it felt it took HOURS.  Really it just took 30 minutes.

"Okay your all good, I'll get Fika to bring you a wheelchair, for now change out of your hospital gown and into real clothes okay?" He instructed.  I nodded and he left me alone.

It took me awhile but eventually I had all of my clothes on and I was ready to go, so I sat on my bed and waited for Fika.  And soon enough she came in with my wheel chair.  "Here you go Fresh!" She said with a smile.  I stood up and sat down in it.  It was kind of comfortable but I knew it would bug me after some time.

She wheeled me out of the room and towards the main lobby.  It was quiet for awhile, you could just hear the wheels move on the floor. "You know, your one of my favorite patients." She suddenly said.  I kind of had the feeling I was.  It seemed pretty obvious but I wasn't sure, because for all I knew. She acted the same with all of the patients.  I don't think she does though, or at least not anymore.  "Uh thanks" I said.  "I'm actually gonna miss you" I said kind of returning compliments.  "Hey don't be too down about it, you get to come back every week remember?" I didn't remember, I actually forgot about it so it's a good thing she reminded me.  I just shrugged at her response as we got to the main lobby.

There I saw PJ just standing there. I already knew she was waiting for me and I smiled. She saw me and ran over.  "Fresh!!" She gave me a hug and I hugged back. "Hey babe" I said. Wait. I just called her babe.  I instantly exploded inside but she didn't seem to notice I said anything.  "Are you ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and saw Ink walk over.  She gave me a look and said "Come on, we're taking Fresh home" She said in a stern voice.  "Awe mom, can't he stay with us? Look at him! He can't even walk!" PJ begged.  Ink took a look at me, looked at her and sighed heavily. "Fine but he's sleeping on the couch!" She turned and started walking toward the door.  "Yay!" PJ cheered in victory while I laughed a bit. 

I looked at Fika, "well I'll see you in a week" She smiled. "Yep see you soon Fresh"  "Bye!" Pj said and began walking toward the door, and I wheeled slowly after her and telling her to wait up. Finally, we're going home.


Hey guys! I'm SOOOOO sorry I haven't updated in forever, school has officially started so I'm dead. I promise. I'll still update but don't expect it daily like it was before!  Also I'm sorry this chapter wasn't very good, I'm transitioning back into writing again...  SO ye, thanks for reading!! And thanks for being so patient!

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