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Freshs POV

      We were glowing so bright it hurt your eyes more than looking at the sun.  I looked at her soul, And mine.  I got mine in one hand and hers in the other.  I held them close to me and cried with all I had.  I felt there was nothing I could do.
       I held her close to me and continued crying.  I looked how cracked her soul was.  Why wasnt I there? I couldnt save her. Its all my fault!
      Ink stopped at us staring and Error Was too.  They must have suspected PJ would be with me and went to get her.  They saw what wad going on.  "Pj...?" Ink asked with tears filling her eyes.  Error picked me up by the shirt and yelled.  "D-D-DID- Y-YO-U D-D-O T-T-HI-S!?" His voice overwlemingly glitched.  He was on the merge of becoming but a lifeless glitch.  "N-no!" I said trying to get down.  He threw me. I flew and slammed into the ground.  I looked up as he began storming over. "Y-Y-OO-U--LL P-P-AA-Y" He said fiercely.  He began punching me over and over.  I screamed.  "I DIDNT DO IT! I LOVE HER!!" He stopped.  His eyes were black.  I noticed he was Error anymore.  He was corrupted by something else.   He stood up and stepped on my skull. He then said in a low demonic voice.  "Then why didn't you save her"


      I Seemed to be floating.  Just unable to do anything.  In a pool of darkness.  I hurt all over, more than I could bear to feel.  But I could hear noises. I could hear everything in the outside world but had no idea what was happening. I heard so much screaming, crying. What was going on? I was scared all alone, knowing nothing. I was so useless, but even then what could I do?  I hugged myself crying endlessly, that's all I can do.                                                                                             

      I didn't want to give up, I didn't want to stop believing there was something I could do.  But it hurts so much to try.  But it hurts more not to, so I Guess my options are limited.  I tossed and turned.  Struggling more and more to break free. I need to see Fresh, and make sure he's okay.  My eyes began to open to a blinding light.  I saw Fresh but he, was glowing. And so was I.  I saw my dad, KILLING Fresh.  He was ready for the last strike, then Fresh would be gone.  I got up screaming and crying "ERROR DON'T!" And I Blasted him, with a Gaster Blaster.

Fresh's POV

I Cried for my life. I knew this was it. There was nothing left for me to do. Except say goodbye.  I felt the pain shock me every time I was hit.  But, I didn't die.  I was glowing.  I opened my eyes and saw PJ, She was alive! And she was glowing too, bright like the sun wasn't shining any more.  She was furiously crying, I was too anyway.  She had her hands out and a voluminous Gaster Blaster. My eyes got wide. She just blasted Error off of me. But how? She's too young to use magic, or at least that strong.  Unless...

       She looked at me, and smiled.  I heard her nimbly say.  "Looks like this is it for me, finish it. Be a hero you always were. To me.... I love you" She fell to the ground. "PAPERJAM!" I struggled to rise to my feet.  I ran to her tears surging down my face. "No please! I can't do anything without you" I said sobbing.  

      Error got up and wiped his mouth.  His eyes were glowing, yellow.  "I-I-I'M-M  N-N-O-T-T  G-G-GIV-V-IN-G-G-G  U-U--UP" .  I got up.   "Then..." My eyes glowed and I looked at Error. "I won't either"  He laughed. "W-W-W-HA-T  C-C-COUL-D-D-D  Y-Y-YO-U-U  E-E-V-V-ERR D-D-DO?  F-F-FO-R H-H-HER  Y-Y-YOU  WEREN-N-N-T  TH-EEE-RE  A--AND  N-N-N-OO-W-W  SH-E-E-ES  G--ON--EE" My soul felt like it would shatter at his words. It's true, I was never there for her. Was I?  "I know I wasn't." He looked at me, and I stared back.  "And I'll pay for it all"

OMAI This chapter isn't very good.  Welp the next one will. I HOPE.  But thanks for reading, sorry it took me so long to publish I just never got around it. Well ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER.

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