I... Love you...

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      I Laid in my bed unable to contact Fresh, so sad and angry at myself for doing that.  I was curled up in a ball, Trying to believe that what I did wasn't a bad thing.  But lying to myself only made it worse.  I cried myself to sleep that night, having nothing I didn't already lose.  I felt so broken, it was hard enough after my mom crushing all my hopes and dreams, and just happened to make it worse on myself.
      I woke up.  It was earlier then when I normally would wake up, but I couldn't really sleep so it didn't bother me.  I bet if I wasn't made of ink, I would have black smudges under my eyes from sleep loss.  I got up and got dressed.  Mom and Dad dont wake up yet so I walked outside, it was raining.  Just my luck.  I put my hood over my head.
      It began to rain harder, I saw a bit of ink fall on the floor leaving a trail. Not that I cared anymore.  I wanted to see Fresh, I dont care if my mom said no.  I need to see him.  Theres no way I cant.
      I got to school, people stared probably wondering where Fresh was.  Thats what I wondered.  I couldnt text him since I broke my phone yesterday... I Tried to hide myself from everyone.  They looked at me confused, once they know Fresh isnt around for sure, they'll get me.
      Then a kid walked up to me and pushed me down.  I fell to the floor and used my hands to break the landing.  I looked up.  All of these kids surrounded me.  One laughed "You thought Fresh scared us? Now that hes not here we can hurt you all we want!"  I was then afraid.  More than I ever have been before.  Fresh wasnt here.  What was I Suppose to do?
      They kicked me like I was a soccer ball.  They just laughed.  "Get that pole over there!" A girl shouted to someone.  "No.. Please dont" I pleaded.  A boy got the pole and started to wack me with it. With more hits.. Every time I felt I was dead.  I could barely hear their laughs.  Soon it was black, endlessly.
      I Opened my eyes, only to see Fresh.  He looked away from me. I ran to him happy and relieved.  He turned and pushed me away.  His eyes were glowing.  I looked at him, I was confused And scared.  He looked angry, was he mad of what I had said? I tried to say. "Fresh, Im sorry please forgi-" "Im not forgiving you" My heart fell.  "Fresh..." Tears filled my eyes.  "Im.. So sorry" I said quietly.  His hands began to glow.  He looked at me.  "Do what you want... I... Love you..." I said.  He lifted his hand.  It flew down... Then I woke up.
      I Looked around.  I was on the sidewalk, right where I was before.  It was dark in the sky.  My body ached. Ink.. And blood was everywhere.  Tears went down my cheeks.  I sobbed.  It hurt so much.  I got up leaving a bloody print.
      As I walked I left more and more blood.  I May collapse at any second.  I knew where I wanted to go.  Soon I reached a door.
      I Knocked on it and said "Fresh... Please open up...." I heard no reply, but now I knew he was on the other side.  "I know, I hurt you yesterday.. I Regret it... I regret everything.. You not being there today.. Changed my life... Its nothing you can fix now.. I understand you dont want to talk.. A-and.. im Okay w-with that..." I put my head on the door.  "I love you..." I left a bloody hand print on the door and walked away.
      Fresh opened the door.  Tears were in his eyes and they glew.  He saw how much I was hurt and ran to me.  He wrapped me in his arms as I began to cry.  "I forgive you, you can cry all you want.  Im so sorry I did this to you" He said through tears.  I suddenly felt uneasy.  Then. I fell.  As my soul cracked.

Freshs POV

      PJ fell to the floor.  I looked at her and knelt beside her yelling "PJ! PJ!?" I held her in my arms crying harder than Ive ever cried.  "PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!" My entire body was covered in purple.  I held her close and continued crying.  The purple magic spread to her.  I felt there was nothing I could do.  It was all my fault.  I saw her soul glow and mine did too.  She was still alive...  I then said With everything I had hoping she could hear me. "I... I Love you to!!"


Okay. I know what your thinking. WHY IS IT CHAPTER FIVE AND WE ALREADY HAVE ALL THIS GOING DOWN!? WELL I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE. Anyway! Im gonna have to rethink all of this. Cause this WAS NOT my original plan. But I have to admit this plan is way better.  So yeah your Left On A cliffhanger for probably no more than 2 days.  Hahah... I Have no life, I almost cried writing this.  Well thanks for reading!

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