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BEFORE ALL OF YOU GO SUPER SAYIAN YOU CAN WAIT A MINUTE UNTIL YOU GET INTO THE STORY. Okay I know you are hyped but This chapter has fighting in it, And its difficult to write it in a story and at the same time make it good. So I'm sorry if its absolute shit. (Excuse my cussing :/) Okay enough of me rambling ON WITH THE STORY.

Fresh's POV

I Could hear the gaster blaster warm up. 3... 2... 1... It fired but, Nothing happened. I was confused, I should be dead now.  I looked up and saw Ink in front of me.  She had a gaster blaster in front of her except, bigger and it was a rainbow. I looked at Error, his Gaster Blaster was gone and he was pissed off.
Then I realised what happened.  Ink just out Gastered, a Gaster Blaster.  I looked back at Ink who looked at me and smiled. "You shouldn't just give up. Now get up, you could use some help" I smiled back and got up. Time to fight.
Error chuckled. "PrETtY gOoD bUt NoT GoOd EnOuGh" I smirked. "We'll see who you're talking about" He clutched his fists and summoned a gaster blaster in front of us.  I looked at Ink "Lets have some fun" I said
      I took a furby out of my fanny pack and threw it at the Gaster Blaster.  And with that the Gaster Blaster exploded.
      Ink cheered. "My turn!" she grabbed her paintbrush and painted a bomb then hit it with her Paintbrush at Error. He dodged the attack. "WhAt ThE!?" "Nice! Check this out" I said grabbing my whiffle bat then threw up a furby and hit it at Error.  It exploded on him.  "YoU iDiOtS! YoU CaNt kIlL mE!!" Error yelled.  He was furious, completely filled with anger. The more we continue, the more we'll only piss him off.
      We need to get him out of this AU.  There has to be a way.  If he stayed in a AU Like this then he'll continue to destroy it.  Then go to the next one, and the next. It'll eventually turn into an endless cycle.
      I looked at Ink. Is she aware that we can't bring Error back? How will she handle it when its all over? Well, She can actually kill me.  She'll probably blame me for everything, but I know I deserve any punishment.
      I could see, the sorrow in her eyes.  She didn't want to fight Error, she must have known this day would come but not this soon.  Its like the past was never even there.  And now shes here, hoping she won't cry...  I need to get him out of this AU and quick, I can't stand around forever.  I need to get to PJ.
      "I aM a GoD! ThE OnLy ThInG tHaT KeEpS aLl tHeSe aUs iN bAlAnCe Is InK! iF I dEsTrOy InK tHeN I cAn FiNaLlY tAkE oVeR EvErY Au.  YoU jUsT NeEd tO gEt OuT oF mY wAy!" Error said.  I looked at Ink.  The fun was over.  She was scared.  I looked back at Error.  "I won't let you kill her! And I won't let you continue to destroy all the AUs!"  he just chuckled.  "AnD hOw dO yOu PlAn tO STOP mE?" he asked.  I clutched my fists.  Then out of nowhere I jumped at him.
      I began to punch his stupid face, over and over.  "I don't want to stop you!" I said.  "I don't want to hurt you!" "But if I don't thats just letting more innocent people die!" I began crying.  "They don't need to die! They are loved by someone! I can't let you hurt them! Its not you're choice and it never will be!" I punched him hard into the ground.
      I could feel Ink watching me.  Wanting to stop me.  But I couldn't stop.  I cried harder.  "Because of you I have no one left to love! And now you'll pay for it" My fists lit with magic.  My eyes were blaring.  Error looked at me.  "YoU. CaNt. KiLl. mE." he repeated.  "SHUT UP!" I punched him harder but he just smirked.  "Why won't you die!?" I asked.  "BeCaUsE i CaNt kIlL yOu. SO yOu CaNt kIlL mE" He said.  I grabbed my bat and Tried to smack him but he caught it.  "I KNOW" I screamed.  He threw the attack back at me and sent me flying.
     I smashed into the ground digging straight through. Words couldn't express... The pain I felt... Not just mentally but physically... I struggled to stand up.  "I just wanted to love PJ..." My hands were glowing brighter and stronger.  "JUST LEAVE" My magic was basically thrown at him.  Then. Error was gone.

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