Raphael's Angel: Together Again

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A/N: Hai! Okay, so this story is one of my really old stories on this website on Fanfiction.com and, since I'm not able to update on that website anymore [I kinda forgot how how xD] I'm gonna be continuing that story onto Wattpad. And, since I lost all of the folders, I have to rewrite the entire thing. So, yeah. Hopefully no one has stole this story and put it on Wattpad. I would cry if anyone did. Anyways, on with the story! Hope you enjoy!


# Raphael's Angel #

Chapter One: Together Again

Raphael's POV

I stood on the roof of an abandoned factory in the middle of town, watching her as she slept in her apartment bedroom from a distance not too far away from me. Even when she slept she looked beautiful. I know she told me we will meet at midnight but I couldn't wait much longer. I needed to be with her. I was nothing if I didn't have her in my arms again.

I searched the streets below me for any sign of humans, but there was none to be seen. I cracked my knuckles before jumping off of the roof and landing with a soft thud. As soon I got up, I looked down on the ground where I landed and noticed that the part of the road had multiple cracks and a dent from the impact. "I'll call somebody and tell 'em 'bout it tomorrow," I walked towards her building before snickering, "No I won't."

I had no trouble climbing to the floor where her room was located with the help of the fire escape that was built on the side of the building. I crept slowly up the rusty stairs until I got to her bedroom window.

"Here goes nothin'." I tapped on the window softly a couple of times and waited. When no answer came, I tapped on the glass once more before hearing some rustling coming from inside. It wasn't long until I heard the sound of the window unlocking from the inside and saw it slide up. Unable to see inside the pitch black darkness that devoured the room, I stood on the platform, unsure of what to do, waiting for my angel's voice to flow through the atmosphere.

"Raph? I thought we were meeting at midnight?" She yawned as the darkness was taken away and replaced by light around the room.

I scratched the back of my neck, embarrassed, and said, "We were, but-" I was immediately interrupted by her lips against mine. I closed my eyes and caressed her face with my right hand as I kissed her back. My heart was beating at a million miles per hour and I couldn't help but like the way her soft lips felt. We broke the sweet kiss for air.

She stepped aside and I climbed through the window. Walking towards her bed and laying on my shell, I sighed heavily. She walked over and layed down beside me, hugging me by the waist. I put my arm around her and asked, "So where are ya parents?"

"Ugh! Don't ask or say anything about them to me again!" She groaned.

I sat up and stared down at her. "What happened?"

"They tried another attempt on sending me to a therapist just 'cause of how I act." She growled and threw one of her pillows against the wall. "I don't know why they do this to me! This never happened before until my father married that demon of a stepmother."

I turned away from her and lowered my head in shame. I knew the story that led to her pain right now. I know it because I caused it. Her real mother was one of the victims of The Shredder's manipulative plans. I still have no idea why he targeted her but all I know is that I couldn't stop him from taking the life of another innocent.

"Don't worry, Raph. I don't blame you." She said softy.


"I don't blame you for the death of my mother. I know you did all you could to stop him because I was the one that spent nearly months treating your wounds and taking your request on not letting your brothers know about your battle. But, I am still sorry for keeping you in my closet for most of the time and not allowing you back home long enough for your family to think you ran away." She blushed at her apology. Man, she looked so cute when she blushed.

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