Raphael's Angel: Never Gonna Be Alone

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                                                # Raphael's Angel #

                                    Chapter 3: Never Gonna Be Alone

Mystery Girl's POV

  I turned on my IPod and looked for my favorite song in my music gallery. I had just finished my end of the year exam by the time lunch started, and I needed to relax. I looked around at my table. Of course, I sat alone. What person in their right mind would want to sit with Weird Goth Girl? I put on my headphones and put my music on shuffle.

  Okay, don't worry, dude. Just wait until Saturday and all your worries will go away when Raph is by your side. I thought to myself as I ate my lunch. It was a good thing I brought my IPod today. If I didn't, I would go crazy because of how nervous I was during the exam. I can't wait to be out og this dungeon and out into the world with my Romeo. I thought jokingly.

  "Hey, how's my best friend's girlfriend doin'?" Said a male voice.

  I looked up to see Mr. Casey Jones and Mrs. April O'Neal standing on the other side of the table. I noticed April was holding a pizza box, but why? I ignored my curiosity and stood up from my seat.

  "Hi, guys. It's great to see you again." I said while fist bumping with Casey and hugging April. "What's up? And, how did you guys know I went to Eleanor Roosevelt High School?"

  They both exchanged glances and snickered.

  "Raph." They said in unison. "He was pretty much a stalker this whole morning because he wanted you to eat something other than lunch food for a change. He needed to know where you went to school because of what he bought you." Continued Casey. April set down the pizza box on the table and placed a black rose and folded note on the top.

  "Open the note, honey." April said.

  I opened up the note with one hand and held the rose with the other. I took a deep breath and read the note aloud. "'A little somethin' for my Gothic Angel. From, Your Punk Rocker.'?" I giggled at the nickname he gave himself. I folded the note back up and stuffed it in my ripped jean pocket. I sat down on my seat and beckoned April and Casey to take a seat. Casey opened the pizza box and grabbed a slice, followed by April and I. As I ate, I could see some of the other students were looking at me. It wasn't like me to have visitors at school. I ignored their stares and glares and bonded with the couple.

  "Wait. So, let me get this straight. Raph paid this with his own money?" They both nodded.

  "Are you sure he didn't take the money from your wallets?" I asked through laughs.

  April giggle. "Of course he didn't take it from us. If he did then we would've found out before he even said that he was buying pizza for you. I know he doesn't usually do this, so I can see why this kinda confused you." She said.

  "Yeah, it's pretty unlike of him to do something like this." I said, twirling the rose with my fingertips. "Something must be up."

  "Oh, well, d-don't worry. Of course nothin's up." Casey chuckled nervously.

  I raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" I said, taking another bite out of my pizza.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| LATER |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Lunch had ended already and I had just finished saying goodbye to April and Casey. For some reason, they seemed kind of nervous when I stated that Raph was up to something earlier. What are they hiding from me?

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