A Dream. . .

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You sat down on your bed, stretching your arms out widely and yawning.
"God what time is it?" You questioned to yourself as looked over to your digital clock that rested on your dark brown nightstand. 12:03am. You groaned and laid your body down on the soft, dark sheets, ready for sleep to take you away. Your eyes felt heavy and your body felt relaxed. Snuggling against your sheets, you slowly drifted off into a restful sleep.

You woke up to find yourself in a dark room, sitting on a metal chair. For some reason you couldn't get up. No bonds or ties, you were free but something was holding you into that chair. Scanning your area, you found nothing. It was too dark to spot anything important.


There was the sound of an old door opening.  Light filled the room, in the doorway was the silhouette of man. This features were hidden but you could see his build. Bold, strong, toned, irresistible. Wait what? What am o thinking? I don't even know him...or do I? No! Snap out of it... The man stepped closer and into the light. He had the face of an angel but the eyes of a demon. Adrenaline shot through you like poison.
Why, hello there (Y/n). It's a pleasure to see you here once again. The man whispered in the darkness, yet it felt as if he was yelling it was so quiet. You looked away.
Oh dear...6:34am already? You'll be late for work dear. WAKE UP!

You shot up out of bed, covered in cold sweat. You jerked your head over to the clock. 6:34am... You sucked in your breath and got out of bed. You threw on a red t-shirt, black pants, and red vans. Sighing, you grabbed your book bag and started walking to school, thinking over and over about that man in your dream.

Keep It Quiet ((Darkiplier x Male!Reader))Where stories live. Discover now