A Truth. . .

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You ran downstairs to see your mother, in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
"Hey sleepyhead, you slept for so long! A mini coma," She laughed. "What did you dream(Y/N)about, dear?" You paused, what was that?
"Mom..is Dark real?" Her smile faded.
"Dark..." She stepped towards you, "He's a b(Y/N) WAKE UPitch! What did he do to you?!" She grabbed your wrist and twisted it. You cried out. "You fucked him didn't you? You really are a whore...just like your father.." You began to tear up. This isn't Mom..who is this?! Your vision began to blur. PLEASE STAY ALIVE What is that noise? You started walking around until you found the source. The basement. You opened the door to see a portal. It was red. WALK TOWARDS THE LIGHT MY LOVE You nodded and stepped inside the portal. Your body began to shake violently as you jerked up. You couldn't see, but you felt people around you.
"(Y/n)!" Dark hugged you tightly. "I'm so happy you're alive..when I came back a fight happened and Google almost killed you..so I had to...well.." He took something off your eyes, bandages. Your vision was excellent! It's never been this good!
"Go look in the mirror.." You nodded and stood up. Wow..you feel strong too! You looked in the mirror and almost screamed. You were pale, your eyes were blood red, your hair was black, and your teeth were sharp. "Dark what happened?!" You turned to him.

"In order to save you..I had to turn you to a demon.."

Keep It Quiet ((Darkiplier x Male!Reader))Where stories live. Discover now