Chapter Eight

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A small french postal van pulled up to the security guard shack at the gate of the Sewage Pump Station on the coast of Tregor in France. The tinted windows rolled down and a man stuck his head out. He was unshaven with greasy slicked back hair, a small cigarette dangled out from his mouth.

"Hey, Jean...How about ya open this gate? Huh? We aint got all day" He said speaking french but in a heavy American accent.

"What is this about?" Asked the man sitting in the guard shack. He was taking his post lunch break nap when this truck just had pulled up. He wasn't much in the mood to deal with these Americans.

"We got an order right here" Said the man in the truck handing him clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it. The guard examined the paper , or at least pretended to read it, then lifted the gate up and the truck drove through. The guard then put his feet back up and went back to his state authorized nap break.

The postal van pulled up to the loading dock and back into its spot. The back doors swung open and the drive and another man got out. The man who was sitting in the back of the truck rolled out a two wheeler hand truck that was holding a very large blue barrel.

"Marky, fucking help me with weights a ton" Said the man pushing the hand truck in English.

"Calm the hell down...I gotta open the doors here first" replied the driver. He went over to a keypad on the brick wall at the loading dock. He punched in serval keys and then hit the large round button next to a large freight elevator door

"Fucking hurry up, you idiot".

The doors lifted open and the two men wheeled in the dolly onto the freight elevator. Mark pushed the button for the basement and hit the button to close the doors. He was carrying a work order in case anyone stopped them though no one was around to say anything to them. It was Bastille Day and most of the workers had the week off, the skeleton crew that were manning the pumping station were watching the soccer game and probably drunk.

"Guess who I saw last Friday" said mark


"Fucking Billy Sanchez!"

"I thought he was retired"

"More like retarded" He laughed

"hows he doing"

"Okay...he got real fat. He was fat before now he's a ball of blubber."
"Too bad, he was a good guy". This conversation lasts for several more minutes as the freight elevator reaches the bottom floor. The doors lift open and they push out the dolly with the large blue barrel on it. They entered the very large sub basement of the pumping station. It was cold, dark and filled with several massive pipes that were pumping out raw sewage to the treatment plant on the island. The driver checked his work order again on his clipboard and checked several signs on the wall until he found one very large pipe that stuck half way out of the floor.

"Hey, over here, this is the one we want" He bellowed over the grinding hum of the massive fans and motors running nonstop in the room. Mark pushed the dolly with the large barrel over to where his friend was and watched as he took a large wrench out of his back pocket and started to remove several nuts from the pipe that fastened a rounded panel in place. The nuts clanged on the cement floor till all six were removed. The large panel that was attached to the pipe slide off and an ungodly odor of feces emanated from the pipe

"Fuck me, this is like Raiders of the lost arc"


"Like when Indiana Jones opened the arc and all the Nazi's faces melted off"

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