Chapter Fourteen

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Bjorn found himself on the seventh and top floor of the factory pulling himself down the hallway. He finally reached room 721 and grabbed onto the doorknob, he tried pulling himself up but his legs were too weak at this point. He turned the knob and fell into the room. It was a large waiting room with many windows and the cold light purple linoleum floor felt good against his bruised body. He continued to drag himself across the floor leaving a streak of blood behind him. He could hear the soft sounds of smooth jazz being pumped throughout the room.

In front of him was a large wooden desk where an attractive , yet heavily armed, secretary was sitting ignoring phone calls and painting her fingernails. She heard the door open but couldn't see Bjorn on the floor. Taking her headphones off she could the heavy breathing emanating from Bjorn's blood filled lungs. She got up, straightened her skirt and went to look around. She was surprised to see a half dead man on the ground leaving a mess of blood on the floor.

"Can I help you with something" she said reaching into her purse on the desk and removing a small revolver.

Bjorn mumbled something but she couldn't heard him. The secretary walked over and her high heels were right in front of Bjorn's face. With his last ounce of strength Bjorn moved like a cobra and sunk his teeth right into her Achilles tendon until blood started to spray all over his face. She let out and ungodly scream and dropped to the floor. Before she had time to shoot Bjorn he had moved up on top of her and grabbed the pencil out of her pocket and jammed it through her ear. She died almost instantly underneath him. He grabbed her gun and kept on crawling through the waiting room.

He reached two large ornately carved doors with two large golden handles. He painfully reached his left hand up and grabbed the knob with his finger tips. After a bit of a struggle he was able to roll his body through the door.

The office of Adam Weisenheimer was beautiful in its simplicity. A plain white marble floor and large walls of books. Bjorn expected it to be a bit more scary, like Dracula's castle. He did notice that Adam seemed to enjoy Lotus flowers as he had a few by the large bay windows near his desk.

"Come on in, I've been expecting you Mr.Trilogeé" Said Adam from behind a stack of papers on his desk. Adam was a very unassuming looking middle aged man. His grey hair was perfectly parted and sat on top of a rather boring looking face. His tweed jacket and bowtie were a bit disheveled though.

Bjorn pulled him nearly dead body towards a rather nice looking chair placed right in front of the desk. Grabbing onto the arm he pulled his body into the seat.

"Could you not..."Started Adam but it was too late as Bjorn's bloodied body was already in the chair "Well never mind I suppose I can get another irreplaceable Napoleonic era chair"

Bjorn slowly raised the revolver from the dead secretary and aimed it right at Adam. Adam didn't seem to mind very much. Bjorn pulled the trigger but only heard a click, he tried again and again but still nothing. The weight of the gun proved to much for his enfeebled state and it fell uselessly to the ground.

"No gun in here would work against me, Bjorn" Said Adam matter of factly

Bjorn held onto the gold inlay armrests of the expensive chair but could feel as if he was about to fall into unconsciousness. His head tilted to the left and a stream of blood gushed out. He could barely make out what he was looking at his vision was completely blurred and his right eye was almost totally swollen shut.

"I bet you're wondering what this was all about, Mr.Trilogeé" began Adam "Why? Why did we do this? What is the point of all this? We are the followers of the God Emperor, we are the agents of revolution, the authors of your misery. we are making the world perfect for the return of Napoleon. Behind all the uprisings and all the strife , behind all the societal upheavals..we are there pulling the strings. We control the banks and the schools and corporations that control the government of America that you foolishly call democracy. There is not a decision made that we haven't already decided upon. We created it all, just for this one point in time where the world will be ready for a single powerful leader to control everyone.

Bjorn This Way: A Bjorn Trilogeé AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now