Chapter Ten

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Bjorn climbed the stairs a bit bloodied and winded from his battle with the Homo Sapiens Crocodylinae but still determined to complete his mission. He pulled himself up the stairs using the metal railing, it was nice that the evil organization that was running the hideout still followed OSHA mandated safety procedures. He finally reached the next floor and in front of him was a large yellow door. He wished the building was designed so that the stairs just went straight to the top but evidently it stopped at every floor.

He opened the door and was about to charge in but was stopped by a large cudgel swung into his stomach. Bjorn bent over grasping his stomach in pain and was about to get hit in the head with another swing but rolled out of the way. He found himself looking up at a large man wearing a full body suit of black leather encrusted with hundreds of diamonds, sapphires and opals. The bejeweled guard took out a shotgun that he was carrying on his back and pointed it down at him. Bjorn stuck his legs out and spun around on the ground as he did back in day when he was a breakdancer. The guard went flying and dropped his gun. Bjorn pounced on top of him and started to pummel his face into the ground. The Guard kneed Bjorn in the nuts and rolled over and got up on to his feet as Bjorn's heightened sensitivity meant getting hit in the nuts hurt more than usual.

The guard standing over Bjorn started to kick him in the stomach with his diamond covered boots. Getting tired of this situation Bjorn quickly reached for his trench knife and brought it down quickly right through the man's foot and into the floor. Bjorn , using the wall, pulled himself off the ground and picked up the shotgun. The guard tried moving towards him but his foot was securely held in place. Bjorn used the butt of the gun to smash the man's face in until he was dead. This gave him a slight erection.

Bjorn walked down the narrow hallway with various black doors on either side of him. The floor was a bright yellow and the walls were a deep red. It was a hideous color combination and Bjorn was starting to wonder who designed this place. Just then he heard the familiar sound of a toilet being flushed and the door to his left opened up and a very surprised guard walked right in front of Bjorn. Bjorn pulled the trigger and fired directly into the man's midsection nearly ripping him in half.

Bjorn ducked into the bathroom sensing that someone was on their way to investigate the noise. A fat three hundred pound man waddled into the hallway carrying an FN P90 fully automatic sub machine gun. Even through his cracked helmet Bjorn could hear his fat gut angrily digesting his recent fried chicken snack. The sent of grease coming through the man's pores filled Bjorn's nostrils. The elephant gland gave him heightened senses which , right now, he wished it hadn't.

Running on pure instincts Bjorn bolted out from behind the bathroom door and charged at the fat man. The obese guard , shocked, raised his gun and fired a few shots at Bjorn. He grazed Bjorn's shoulder before Bjorn started to slide along the floor like he was going into home base. He found himself directly underneath the fatso and fired his shotgun directly into his stomach.The man fell down on top of Bjorn who put his knees up to stop him from crushing him to death. Bjorn fired again into the man's stomach as his blood and entrails rained down upon his face. Bjorn tossed away the emptied shotgun and grabbed the man's submachine gun and jammed it as hard as he could through the fat guard's massive bullet hole in his stomach. He kept on pushing until the barrel of the gun almost reached the exit wound on his back and Bjorn's arm was shoulder deep inside the man's fat belly. Bjorn, with his free hand, grabbed the dead guard's arm and hoisted himself off the ground.

Bjorn slowly got to his feet holding up the disgusting fat corpse on his shoulder and started to run down the hallway, slowly at first but picking up speed as he went like a charging elephant. All he could hear was the beating of his heart like a jungle drum. Guards came rushing out and fired their guns at Bjorn but only hit the fatso's body that Bjorn was using a human shield. His hand , jammed inside the fatso's stomach, pulled down on the trigger of the submachine gun and he retired fire on the security guards. Bjorn was thoroughly enjoying himself as the bullets ripped apart the guards but all they could do was fire at their dead obese coworker whose poor dietary habits made him to0 fat for the small caliber bullets to penetrate.

Bjorn got to the end of hallway and realized he had no more bullets left, he pulled his hand out from the dead's stomach and let him drop to the floor with a thud. He looked down at him but he was barely recognizable as a human anymore just 300 lbs of bad meat. Bjorn turned around and saw at least a dozen dead guards on the floor. Bjorn was tired but impressed. He opened the door to the stairwell and saw nothing.

Nothing but a vast empty dark room with a small sliver of light coming from the other side, like light from underneath a door.

There was only darkness as far as he could see. He stuck his foot out into the darkness but felt nothing, not even a floor. He turned on the lights that were built into his helmet and peered around but as far as he could see there was nothing there. He looked down and saw a three story drop and below that was a vast pool of acid like chemical waste. This must be a byproduct of the toxoplasma gondii weaponization processes thought Bjorn.

Bjorn wondered what he should do next. He continued to look down at the pool of acid which he estimated was about width and length of a standard basketball court, though he had no idea how deep it was. Judging by the odor Bjorn estimated it would eat through his flesh in only a few seconds. He noticed a small pipe leading from one side to the other about twenty feet below the door where he was standing.

He wondered if he could make the jump down, grabbed onto the pipe, shimmy across and climb back up the to wall over the door on the opposite side. As he pondered his options he felt a sharp pain near his kidneys. He quickly spun around and saw another guard, he thought he had killed them all but this one snuck past him and had just stuck a 4 inch steel blade into his back. This guard was a bit different from the others as this one was a female. She had long blonde hair and a decent figure. Bjorn suddenly became aroused and barely even noticed the knife sticking into his back. The female guard expected Bjorn to be in a lot more pain than he was as he moved towards her. He grabbed her shoulders and pinned her against the wall, she struggled to jam the knife in further but it didn't seem to bother Bjorn in slightest. She noticed his erect penis nearly busting out of his skin tight body suit. This wasn't what she expect at all. Bjorn began to rub his body up against hers.

All he could see was red.

"What the bloody 'ell are you doing" said rather perturbed voice inside Bjorn's head in a British accent

Bjorn quickly pulled the knife from his back and jammed it into the guard. Slicing her stomach the long way he reached in and grabbed her lower intestines and pulled them out. The woman started to scream though this didn't slow Bjorn down. He tied her entrails around the doorknob and picked up her small body and tossed it into the darkness. He waited to hear her hit the metal pipe that ran across the pool of acid, his aim was perfect. He grabbed on to the intestine that was attached to the door and slid down into the darkness. He landed on the pipe and wrapped his body around it. He could feel it shake slightly, it wasn't meant to hold this much weight.

The female guard was holding on to the pipe as she quickly bled to death. She looked up at Bjorn and was about to start pleading for her life but Bjorn pushed her face away until she let go and fell another story down into the acid. Even though it was pitch black Bjorn could tell he acid made short work of her from the sound of her body being disintegrated. Bjorn had his arms and legs wrapped around the pipe and pulled himself across until eventually he got to the other end.

He looked upwards and saw the light from he door twenty feet above his head. He took the knife and jammed it into the wall and pulled himself up. Balancing himself on the pipe he jumped up as far as he could and drove the knife into the wall with his full strength. The jump dislodged the pipe as it crashed into the acid. Bjorn reached up towards the thin sliver of light but just couldn't quite reach it. He was holding on the knife with one hand and he could feel the blade start to bend under his weight. He quickly jerked his arm upwards as the knife broke and sent himself flying up a few extra inches which was enough for his fingertips to cling on the ledge under the door. He strained but with his full elephantine will he pulled his body up and opened the door. He entered the room on his stomach and looked up...there were another set of stairs going up.

Bjorn This Way: A Bjorn Trilogeé AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now