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Miss Wigglesworth was behind Bjorn pushing his wheelchair through the large wooden door to General Muhdeer's office in the Sub-Sub-Basement of the Mail Facility in Boston. Bjorn's right leg was in a cast and she was using it as a battering ram to open the heavy door. Bjorn would have complained but her large breast were , at the time, hitting him in the back of the head so he didn't mind to much (also he was on a lot of pain killers). He had just been in a postal hospital for two weeks in and out of consciousness before he was healthy enough to leave. Muhdeer was sure to send him a ride as soon as possible to pick him up.

Wigglesworth parked his wheelchair right in front of the General's large desk. The General was feeding his creepy pet insect some pieces of popcorn when Bjorn had arrived. The swelling from his eyes had mostly went away and his left arm and right leg were both in casts though they would probably be coming off sooner rather than later.

"Great to see you up and about my boy, Don't worry about standing up and saluting me. I was never much one for formalities as they say" bellowed the General.

"Doctors said I should be fine in a few weeks"

"Great to hear, excellent. I've been monitoring your recovery. We are all happy to see you pull through"

"I still don't remember what happened on that island"

"You know what? Its probably better that way" Laughed the general

"Want a donut, here you go" Said the General handing Bjorn a box of donuts. Bjorn took the one with chocolate frosting. He hadn't had real food in a long time and the donut tasted delicious though had a strange aftertaste.

"By the way I've been meaning to ask you. What the hell is that thing" Said Bjorn pointing towards the strange insect on the desk with his chocolate covered finger.

"You mean, ol' Charlie here? Remember that gross larva thing swimming around under my eye patch"


"Well what do you know the sucker hatched and exploded out of my eye. I wanted to kill it but the dang blasted thing is part of me. It ruined my body and is a horrible monster but I can't help but love it. Now I know how my mother feels" Laughed the General and for once Bjorn joined in with him.

"Did you know that Femmy was really Abe's long lost daughter...that's one weird coincidence" Said Bjorn

"You don't say'

"I mean what are the chances ,really? She said her father was Richard but that's Abe's real name"

"What are the chances? If something like that happened in a book or a movie you'd complain that it was bad writing"

"Almost insultingly bad, there are billions of people on the planet what are the chances that some woman would be the daughter of the guy whose brain you have a copy of"

"Yeah" Said Bjorn increasingly suspicious of where the general was taking his train of thought.

"Of course I knew she was Abe's daughter. I mean come on. I know everything" Laughed the general"

"Why did you put us together on the mission"

"I thought you two would hit it off. You'd have a lot in common"

"So this was all just a blind date"

"I say, I say I just can't help it. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart"

Bjorn This Way: A Bjorn Trilogeé AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now