Chapter Twelve

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Three miles off the shore on a large heavily armed military boat disgusted as a French postal sea craft stood a rather annoyed general. He stood next to a helicopter and peered out over the waves towards the small island of Iil Bono waiting for any sign that Bjorn was still alive. He stood waiting as the boat swayed on the gentle ocean.

"General we have some news to report" Said the walkie talkie in the general's pocket

"Well don't tell me you have news, son. Just tell me the news" He shouted back

"It appears that force field is down"

"Drop your cocks and grab your socks, boy. Let's get this party started" shouted the general even louder than before.

"Should we order a bombing strike on the island" said the voice over the walkie talkie

"I say I say, son what is wrong with you? Our boy is still over there right now. He just shut down the shields and you want us to blow us to blow up the island"

"But we have orders"

"I give the orders here and we aren't bombing the island until we know Bjorn is safe or dead, though hopefully safe" Said General Muhdeer "I want all vessels to move into attack position, I'm taking this birdie to the island myself"

The General put the walkie talkie back into his pocket and hoped into the helicopter and started it up. Sitting next to him in the copter was the one eyed assassin Femmy LaBush she didn't say anything as they took off. The general was an expert pilot and took the copter towards the island but as he was making his descent several hidden gun turrets popped up from behind the overgrowth on the brick walls of the compound. They started to fire at the helicopter but the general pulled back and his experienced flying allowed him to dodge getting hit.

"Pull back, the place is still hot. Pull back" shouted the General into his walkie talkie. Several men on the island ran along the wall and started to fire at the boats in water near the island. One particular man took out an RPG and loaded up the warhead and aimed it right at the helicopter. Femmy flipped up her eye patch and plugged in the wire that connects to the sight on her high powered sniper rifle. She slid open the door on her side of the copter as the General started to pull up and away from the island. She stepped out of the copter and dropped quickly out of sight

"Son...I mean girl, what the hell are you doing?" Shouted the general shocked that Femmy appeared to just jump out of the helicopter. She, in one seamless move, used the tip of her foot to grab the landing skids of the copter and spin around so that now she was hanging upside down under the helicopter her knees wrapped around the landing gear. She took the shot and nailed the man with the RPG right between the eyes. He fell backwards off the wall firing the warhead straight up and when it eventually fell back down it took out one of the gun turrets.

Inside the base Bjorn was climbing another set of stairs. He was tired and bleeding out and yet he pushed onward. He could feel the elephant gland slowly wearing away and wondered what would be left after that was gone. Clinging on to the railing her pulled himself up to the next door. On the door was a blue downward pointing triangle with a white circle placed in the middle, it meant nothing to Bjorn and opened it and walked in.

The room was dark and Bjorn couldn't see much but could hear , what sounded like people laughing and strange atonal melodies being played on a piano. He walked towards the source of the sound but was suddenly struck in shin on his right leg. He fell down on his knee in pain. Before he could recover he felt a rope wrap around his neck, he grab on to it and tried to pull it over his head but it was too tight.

The lights turned on in the room and they were so bright they nearly blinded him. Bjorn could make out that the room was mostly purple with white shag carpeting and a large baby grand piano placed in the far corner. He kept on pulling on the rope around his neck but then another rope shot out from the opposite wall and wrapped around his neck just as tight as the first one. This happened a few more times until he had five nooses around his neck stretching back to the wall. The ropes tightened and pulled him upwards till his feet were off the ground.

"Sorry about this, old chum but simply needed another participant for my symphony of terror" Said the man sitting at the piano. Bjorn could barely make him out but he was wearing all white and a white ski mask (though he had star framed sunglasses over the mask).

Bjorn replied with the sound of a man being slowly chocked to death

"You see, I'm a great artist and there is no more perfect sound in the entire realm of music of a man dying"

Bjorn struggled with the ropes trying to pull them off of his neck

"Suzi, please help our guest" Said the man at the piano

From one of the doors came a beautiful blonde woman wearing a tight dress. She walked over to Bjorn and removed his helmet and tossed it away. He looked at her with the crazed eyes of a trapped animal. She then got on her knees and removed his blue boots. Bjorn thought about kicking her in the face but she had a rather large knife and gentle moved it around his crotch region. He took the hint. When she got his boots off she took out a large feather and started to tickle his feat

Bjorn tried to resist but started to laugh, though it was more of a choking sound that a full on chortle

"Rock it , man" Said the masked pianist

"This is going to sound great on my next album: Tortured Soundscapes of a Modern Spy"

Bjorn continued to struggle as the woman kept on tickling his feet. The room was getting darker and darker and when he looked up he saw a large boom mic hanging down from the ceiling that was recording every sound he made.

"We must first bring him to pure ecstasy as we kill him. What is truth but the ultimate reality? Death and sex combined into one. The true nature of life! Your death will bring humanity closer to the pinnacle of absolute knowledge. The supreme Truth is my music! Critics we love it" said the man behind the piano. Suzi rubbed Bjorn's crotch with her bowie knife and she unzipped the pants on his blue bodysuit. Suzi reached in and pulled out Bjorn's rock hard penis and wrapped her lips around it. Bjorn could feel the ropes getting tighter and tighter as she worked the shaft.

"Can you feel the love tonight" laughed the piano player as he watched Suzi suck off his captured prisoner.

Realizing he was close to death Bjorn wrapped his legs around Suzi's body as tight as he could and pulled her as close as he could near his body. She struggled to get free but his powerful legs kept her in place. She couldn't get his dick out of her mouth and Bjorn jammed it in as deep as he could. Bjorn screamed as Suzi chocked to death on his penis. It was his most powerful orgasm that day. Bjorn released her from his leg's iron grip as she fell lifelessly on to the white shag carpet.

"You bitch" Yelled the piano player as he got up and rushed towards him. Bjorn used his toes to pick up the large knife from floor and kicked it up to his hands. Bjorn cut the ropes and was free. The piano player was almost on top of him as he threw the knife directly into his neck. A geyser of blood erupted out from him covering his white suit and floor. Bjorn then zipped up his pants.

Bjorn walked over to the dead piano man and pulled off the white mask.

"Elton John, I should have known" Bjorn said looking at the face of the former pop star but then thought about it for a few seconds "Actually this is kind of weird, there is no way I would have guessed this"

Bjorn walked over to the piano and sat down. Deep inside his brain a British voiced gentleman told him to play Candle in the Wind . Playing a few bars caused a door on the far left of the room to open up. His right leg was busted a lot worse than he realized from that hit he received when he first entered the room. His body probably couldn't take much more of this damage but he hobbled towards the door nonetheless.

Bjorn This Way: A Bjorn Trilogeé AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now