Im Acting like a creep

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I  starred at her doll like face and lifeless body. Her cherry red lipstick smeared as her eyes darkened and swelled.

"I love you" I whispered in her ear. She was sleeping so she couldn't​ have heard me. I held her in my arms whispering in her ears and cradling her like a baby doll. She was beautiful in her own way and didn't need anyone to give her a complement, and that's why I admired her. Not only for her good looks and charm but because her personality was absolutely adorable.

When she smiled everyone stopped to admire it, because her smile was so rare. Like a flower blooming after one hundred years, her scent smells like her favorite vanilla gardenia perfume. And her pricing icy blue eyes. My Emily never realized how beautiful she was, I need her back.

She's my drug. My long lost love. To creepy? Deal with it. She's the only light I have in this awful world called life. A place on Earth that I despise. I wish I could protect her from her sadness in a world filled with weakness and death. She's so special, but I'm not, I'm just another one of those awful people who caused others unspeakable pain and sadness. I'm the source of her depression. I'm the cause, I hate being it. Do people ever change, who knows, I need her, I breath her, I bleed for her. But I can't have her.

That boy does. I can't handle the thought that someone has her and I don't. She can do so much better than both of us, she deserves better. And I'm not saying I am that choice, because I definitely am not. But I still love her and she deserves as much happiness that I have. It's my job in life to make sure she's always happy never in pain like that time I  lost her, oh how I miss her touch. I miss having all her love.

But she's busy she deserves someone that will make her happy, but I've learned many things. I won't make her happy and I never will maybe, she was right. Maybe I'm just not ready for a relationship yet. But that doesn't mean we can't​ be friends. Does it?

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