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*13+ parental adviser*

I swam to shore, I ran my hands through my wet hair, I grabbed my
t-shirt and put on my pants. A hand hit my shoulder.

"Leaving so soon doll?" I turn back to see Johnny staring back at me.

"No Johnny stop come back!"  Becky scrambling to get her clothes when she snuck behind Johnny when he hit her in the face. Her falling down to the ground. She wasn't moving.

"What the hell was that for!?" He moved closer to me wrapping his hands in my hair, I pushed him back.

Him getting up and jumping on top of me. Me struggling to get up. Ryan started to come across the shore. He stared at me then Becky. He dropped his towel and started running.

Johnny was forcing himself on to me. Me kicking in all directions but always missing the target. Ryan came over attempting to get Johnny off of me. Johnny pushing him back and punching Ryan in the nose. Ryan rushes over to Becky with a bloody nose, who's still not breathing. When I see Duke in the distance running.

As Duke comes closer i see Ryan giving Becky CPR her popping back up to life.

When Duke runs over with some drift wood hitting Johnny in the face. Blood splattering in the sand. Johnny stops breathing.

Duke just killed him.

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