Chapter 12: A Tragic Injury

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Christmas Eve is today. 🎄🎅 Jacob and Donald were the happiest couple alive.

Jacob already had his present for his boyfriend. But would he like it? Hmm.

Jacob was running down the stairs. As he was about to descend the last flight of stairs (there are four), Jacob tripped over his own foot. He tumbled down the stairs.

"Yowee! 😭" Jacob cried at the bottom of the stairs.

"Baybay, you okaykay?" Donald shouted from the neighboring room.

Jacob sat up. He felt excruciating pain from his left big toe.

Donald walked into the living room where Jacob was sat. He kneeled by his side.

Jacob sobbed. "My big toe hurts. 😢"

Donald replied, "I'm going to replace the stairs with an elevator next week. But I know someone who can fix your toe." Donald dialed a number and held his phone to his ear. 🎺

While Doggone Troop was on the phone, Jacob removed his hand from his toe to look at it. His toe was the color of Donald's lips. Purple. 💜💋

Right when Donald hung up, a man burst from the front door. "Do not fear, for Dr. Phil is here!"

Jacob gAsped. "I'm your biggest fan!"🗿

Dr. Phil shook his head. "Not quite. I have a bigger fan at home. It makes the house nice and cool. Now, give me your toe." 😤

Jacob was confUsed. "how do i take mi toe off mi fOOt?"

Dr. Phil was getting annoyed. "No. Just let me see your toe." 😤😤 When Jacob moved his toe towards Dr. Phil, he wrapped his toe in a banana peel. "All better."

Donald nodded, causing cheeto dust to fall from his face. "Thank, brother." 🎺

Dr. Phil exited the house.

Jacob leaned his head on Donald's shoulder. "Thanks for looking out for me. You're like a dad I've never had." 👬

Donald chuckled. "Har har har! I love incest! 😍😩🙌"

Jacob laughed along. "You're cute. 😘"

Donald and Jacob stared into each others' eyes. They didn't have to say anything. They knew they were in love. 👬💒💍

Jacob realized that he was leaning towards Donald's puffy, orange face.

Donald's face was an inch away from Jacob's. 🎺 Finally, tiny lips connected with purple lips. 😘 Jacob didn't know what this was. He saw his parents do it before. After one second, they pulled  away.

Jacob tasted cheeto dust on his lips. "You didn't put enough cheeto dust on your face today, sweetie bun."

Donald sighed. "I'm running out of cheetos." 🎺🎺

Jacob nodded. "It's fine. What was that?"

Donald replied, "What was what?" 🎺

"What we just did", Jacob said.

Donald answered. "I think we just kissed, but I'm not sure. Is that okay?" 🎺

Jacob nodded. "Yeah."

Donald yawned. "I'm going to bed." He walked up the stairs, tripping several times. 🎺

Once Donald had disappeared, Jacob crept towards the fireplace. If Santa 🎅 was coming, he would fall through the chimney.

Porkchop was laying in the fireplace. Donald must have put him there. Good thing there wasn't a fire burning. 🚭🔥🙅

Jacob grabbed his present from the kitchen and placed it under the Christmas tree. 🎄🎁🎺

He checked the time on his phone. It 'twas 11:39 p.m. It was way past his bedtime.

plot for this chapter:

A/N: should i add some more fifth harmony and camila?

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