Chapter 14: Christmas

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Jacob woke up.

So did Donald. 🎺

They went downstairs (after tripping several times, of course) and went to the Christmas tree.

Donald handed Jacob a tiny box. "Merry Christmas, baybay." how cUte! 😩👏🎺

Jacob opened the box and pulled out green paper with faces on them. "What's this?"

Donald smiled. "A small loan of a million dollars. Cha-ching!" 💰💰💵💴💶💷💸💸 cash money blAze iT! 🎺

Jacob hugged his gay af boyfriend. "Thanks, sweetie bun booboo."

Donald kissed Jacob's forehead, leaving cheeto dust there. but not enough. 🎺

Jacob gave Donald a huge box and smiled. "Open it."

Donald TootToot opened the box and pulled out bags upon bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos™. "oH mY gOd, you dIDN'T HAVE TO DO THIS!" 🎺

Jacob replied. "But I wanted to. I knew you needed more, and it's nice to try out new shades of cheetos. Now instead of orange, your face is gonna be red!"

Donald loved Jacob with all his heart. What would he have done without him? 🎺

Jacob looked under the tree to see four more presents. He grabbed one of the presents. It read, "To: Jacob. From: ya boy Santa™".

Jacob frowned and unwrapped the wrapping paper. A ring pop? Another tag read "Will you marry me? ~Santa".


Donald grabbed the ring pop and stuffed it down Porkchop's throat. "thIs freaKING HECKIN' santa is about tO GET BANNED FROM MY COUNTRY! 😤 i WILL tell my homie Mike Pence to keep him away from the United States!" 🎺

Jacob knew Donald was jealous. and it was so hot. 👅😏💦🔥😩

Jacob found a present that said "To: disgusting Orange™. From: the cooler guy, Santa". He gave it to his boyfriend. Donald grabbed the present and threw it out of the window. "nOpe! don't want this disease in my mansion!" 🎺

Jacob smiled and grabbed another present. It read "To: the old, racist, misogynist fatty. From: Dinah, Normani, Ally, Lauren, and Camila". Jacob said, "Our friends got us presents too!"

Donald took the present and frowned. "I can't even read half of this." 🎺

Jacob looked at the tag. "It says 'To: the one and only, radical, majestical friend. From: Deena, Normany, Ally, Lorren, and Camilla."

Donald grinned. "Thanks! They're such good friends." He opened the present to reveal Legos™. A note read, "These are for satisfying your needs to build a wall without ruining our country. ~Lauren." But Donald couldn't read it. 🎺

Jacob was almost jealous of Donald's gift. He's always loved Legos™. Especially when he steps on them.

Jacob grabbed the LAST present. "To: Jakub Saggytoots? From: Dinah, Normani, Ally, Lauren, and Camila". He opened it.


A note from Dinah read, "these are what all the basic, trashy kids are getting. so here you go, you piece of scum."

This was the best Christmas ever!

A/N: this chapter is getting a little too long for me to write, so i ended it early. but the next chapter is gonna be really good. :)

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