Chapter 29: Pool Party

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It was Sunday, which is a day to worship Jesus. 😰🙏 Jacob had just got back from church, but now he was bored.

He walked out of his house and to the backyard. He gAzed at the pool. dramatic af! 😂👏 The weather is pretty dandy! The sun is out, the water is replenished, the crops are thriving... 🌽🚜🐔

"I haVE AN IDEA XJXJS!" Jacob yelled. His parents were on a date and his sister was at her ugly friend's house. 🙈

Jacob wHiPpEd out his phone and made some phone calls. lit! 👴

After he was d o n e, he got dressed into his Paw Patrol™ swimming trunks. He looked in the mirror, and the mirror stared back at him. 👀

Jacob said, "I have a sixteen pack on my stomach!" 😩💦🔥😘

He heard a door SLAM WHOOSH 💨 and went to the living room. Mark, Johnny, and Mackenzie were here. They had tres 3 three other guys with them.

Jacob recognized one of them. IT WAS BRANDON ROWLAND XKXOD TOTALLY RAD! He had fidget spinner swimming trunks!

Jacob was so totally jelly, like, omg!! 😡😝😍

Brandon said, "Hey, Jacob. 😎 These are my other brothers, Hunter and Ashton."

Jacob waved to them. "Hey, fatties."

Ashton, who looked siete 7 seven years old, balled his fiSTS in anger!! "My mommy says I'm pretty! 😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡🚜😤😤😤😤"

Jacob wants to drown him. 💦

Hunter had a charming face. 😍

Mark huggled Jacob. :3 "Thanks for inviting me, smexy kitty."

Jacob b00ped his nose. xD "Of course!"

Ally, Dinah, Camila, Normani, and Lauren walked through the front door. 👀👀

When Dinah sAw (*makes whurring saw noise woo*) the kids, she turned around. "I am n0t going to be splish splashing 💦 around in a baby p00l with a bunch of doce 12 twelve year olds."

"14," Jacob corrected. (or should i say, "catorce 14 fourteen")

Camila grabbed Dinah's hand. how romantic! "Cheechee, please stay. 😩"

Dinah pouted. "I hate you, Chancho. Don't do this to me. 😡😡"

Jacob was so happy that all his friends came over! But one person was missing...

He took out his cellular device and dialed D-D-D-Donald's number. He didn't pick up for the 7th time.

Jacob shrugged? "Donald won't hit me back." he had a song idea?

Mackenzie asked, "Didn't you break up with him?¿?" 🙈

Jacob laughed. "Oh, yeah! 🙈😝 aNYWAYS, let's go swimming!"

When Jacob led everyone to the backyard, Dinah said, "L00k, it's not a baby p00l!" 👴

She jumped in. Canola followed.

The Rowland brothers all dived in. So did Johnny and Mackenzie. 😘

Normani and Ally sat BESIDE the pool. with Mark. 😰

Jacob l00ked at Lauren. 👀 "Are you gonna get in, pardner?"

Lauren sh00keth her head. "I wanna apologize." (it's gonna get serious for a couple seconds)

Jacob was confuzzled? :3 "For what?"

Lauren hesitated and replied, "For being rude to you. It was wrong. So, I'm sorry."

Jacob had literal tears forming in his eyes. "Do you mean that?"

Lauren smiled. "Sure."

Jacob LIT up wOoO! "Great! Let's get into the pool."

Lauren and Jacob joomped into the water. Splish splash whOOsh! 💦💨

Lauren, Canola, Normami, and Ally started playing chicken. bok bok! 🐔 (@ marina)

Ashton splashed Jacob. in the eyes. 😡 "Hey, loser!"

Jacob heckin' hated that kid! 😤

He LUNGED at Ashton and held his head under the water. Jacob l00ked 👀 around to make sure no one was calling the police. 👮🚓

Brandon and Dinah were cheering! woo!

Ashton drowned. oof! he ded.

Love you, Jesus. 😘

Hunter's charming face looked aNgrY!! "Did you just drown my brother?! 😤😤😤😤 I'm gonna drown you, ugly! 💦"

Brandon held him back. "As long as mommy doesn't know, I think we're fine. :)"

Hunter snorted (crack). "Our parents are ded. oOf! All I have NOW is you and your fidget spinners." He climbed out of the p00l and began to dry off.

Mark splish splash whOOshed! 💦💨 into the pool.

Johnny swam towards Mark and Jacob. "That was totally rad, dude! 😂👏😂👏"

Jacob giGgled? "hAhA harf! Let's just throw Ashton out of the pool and I'll get rid of him later."

Together.... with friendship and teamwork.... the three boys threw Ashton over the side.

SUDDENLY CKDKD, violent splashing was heard! 💦💦 Splish splash whOOsh! 💦💨💦💦

Dinah was drowning Mackenzie.


She ded, too.

Johnny dabbed. "My grillfriend is snorkling."

Dinah threw Mackenzie's body over the side of the pool. "She's just sleeping. Don't worry."

Canola said, "Dinah, I thought you were a good kid."

Dinah nudged her. and nuzzled her. :3

Jacob smiled. His friends made him "haha" all the time. He had a rootin' tootin' time hanging out with them.

A/N: the idea for this chapter was brought to you by holyallysus . if y'all have any ideas, then comment or message me. :)

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