Chapter 40: Issa Bella Thorne with Fifth Harmony and Camila 😷

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Dinah, Normani, and Canoflel were walking through the halls after the shooting, looking for Lauren and Ally.

Normani was crying. :( "What if they're gone?"

Dinah held her hand for comfort. "I'm sure they're okay. They're strong."

Ciciso nodded her head. "Dinah's right." canola is dry af. 🌵🚸

Dinah frowned. 😟 "I'm a little more worried about Ally than Lauren. I know Lauren would kill someone if she really wanted to." 😏

A girl with greasy red flamin' limon hot cheeto hair walked up to the group. "Those shooters were so hot. The way their foreheads fit into those masks perfectly. Yummy! 😩 hmu, d00ds! 💍"

Dinah was disgusted. "Ew, Bella. That's gross. 😷 You could barely even see their faces."

Bella shrugged. "All humans are hot. You're hot, too. 10/10 would smash! 😘😏😩💦😝😰😍😚" She winked at Dinah and walked down another hallway.

Dinah wanted to die. pew pew! 🔫🌽

Crakco said, "She's thirsty. 😏💦"

Normani replied, "You're the one that broke up with Lauren for a rat. You've gotta be pretty thirsty to get to that level. 🚬" gang gang git shmoked.

Creakfo didn't know what was going on, but Normani, Lauren, and even Ally have been bullying her recently. She felt so victimized in the group. 😰 illuminati confirmed. /_\ "Shawn is not a rat!"

Dinah rolled her eyes and let go of Normani's hand. "Guys, stop." 🚷🚸🚳🚥🚦🚧🚨🚯🚱📴📵🚭🆘🚩 She opened the door to the girls' bathroom. "Ally? Lauren?"

Nothing were heard. (i passed a grammar class, btw."

Normani started to cry again. "They no anywere." 😩

Dinah *sighs* and opens the door to the boys' bathroom. "Ally and Lolo da Camz kkkkk camren yo iz real. Are you guys in here?"

She could hear quiet sobbing and a small voice. "Dinah?"

Dinah ran into the bathroom, with Normani and Cfiow following her.

Certao was met with the most horrific sight. Lauren and Ms. Clinton were doing something. Carto wasn't sure what they were doing, but Cifos never did anything like THAT with Lauren. Good thing that Shawn made her straight! 😍

Ally was still sobbing in a stall.

Dinah saw a dead guy on the ground, but that was irrelevant. 🚳

Lauren smiled. "Hillary and I are married."

Normani clapped. "Congrats!" 😂👏😂👏

Cargo scowled. "No one caressssss. You're trash. 10/10 wouldn't sssssmash! 😒🚦🚨" (this is poetry. it even rhymed. 😍)

Lauren glared at her with gREEN glittery woo emerald eyes. "No one asked for your commentary, snake." 🐍

Dinah was upset at how the girls were acting towards Choo Choo. She sh00keth her head and climbed into Ally's stall. Dinah picked her up. "Come on, Ally. It's all over."

"Do we have to come to school tomorrow?" Normani asked Ms. Clinton.

Ms. Clinton replied, "There will be school, but I'm not gonna make you guys come here."


A/N: dm me or comment if you have any ideas for the story, and thanks for reading this tragic waste of time. 😘

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