Chapter 2: Donald's New Presidency

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Dolphin Dump was done moving his things into the White House. Well, he didn't move anything into the White House. His disgusting family and peasants did the work. His stupid daughter walked through the door of the White House. He watched as a small grain of dirt fell off of her shoe and onto the perfect, marble floor.

He grabbed a lampshade and forced it over her head. "You have to wear that for a week! 😤😤"

His daughter cried. "But daddy 😩, my nose is bleeding!"

Dale Truck kicked her in the shin. "I'm about to throw you into the ocean. Now, go sleep in the trashcan."

He watched her walk away. When he heard the sound of a trash bag rustling, hinting that Ivanka had jumped in there, he hurriedly put his headphones on and plugged them into his phone. He hadn't listened to his crush's song for 4 days, 6 hours, 52 minutes, and 11 seconds. His presidency already proved to be very busy. He only ran for president because building a wall was his dream since he was a fetus. 😍

He turned on Sweatshirt by Jack Satorio. Was that his name? Trump shrugged. He could never read very well. I think I'm dyslexic.

He started dancing to the music. Yeayeayea 💃💃 Joe Biden walked past him, officially leaving the White House. He shook his head as he saw Doghouse Treat having a seizure. That happened every time he tried to dance.

Suddenly, DUN DUN DUN!! Melania Trump approached her tragic husband. Donald saw her and quickly threw his phone and headphones to the ground, stomping on them once they hit the ground.

"Oh, hey McKayla! I wasn't listening to Jack Satorio music."

Melania put her hands on her hips. "Are you cheating on me?"

Donald shook his fat face quickly, causing cheeto dust to fall from it. "Not yet, Michelle."

Melania went from 0 to 💯 in a heartbeat. "dId yOu jUsT cALL mE mIcHeLLe?!?!?1?1?! hOw dArE yOu cOnFusE mE wItH tHaT fAkE rAt! SHE ACCUSED ME OF STEALING HER SPEECH!1!"

Donald nodded. "That's because you did."

"Oh yeah? Well, you got your speech from the Bee Movie™!" Melania shot back.

Ronald narrowed his eyes. wow, how hot! 😍💦 "The Bee Movie™?? Really?? Is that what you came up with??"

Melania stomped her feet. "OMG, I literally can't even! We are getting a divorce!"

Donald Trump laughed. "hAr hAr hAr! Sure Jan. You look like a five-year old. And we're not divorcing until I say so!"

"Why not?" Melania protested.

Donald replied, "Because I said so, Stephanie. Are you ever gonna sleep?"

Melania glared at him and walked away. Donald picked up his phone and headphones. When he saw that his headphones were now broken, he sobbed. 😭😭

He would have to wait until he got new headphones to listen to Jacob Sartorious. :(

plot for this chapter: 

You Were My Last Text (Jacob Sartorious x Donald Trump)Where stories live. Discover now