I know I said I wouldn't post till tests are over but holy shit I'm so nervous I needed to draw.
Either way, have some calming atmosphere:
And then, fifteen minutes later:
Another ten minutes later:
Either way, I'll now eat my delicious
Btw, I'd really like to know what this is:
And why exactly my right leg has so many scars. Like, seriously!
And it's all so many small scars... really irritating.
Either way, i gotta go back to studying...
I have a feeling that i won't sleep much tonight ^^"
Freak tried Art (5)
RandomYo. This is the fifth part. Warning: the Art's gonna get lazier as the book proceeds. Also, my Art changes pretty fast, I dunno why and I hate it. But at least I also learn quickly, right? Ha, I wish. Anyway, the character in the cover is Froi...