When Ruben smokes two cigarettes within less than an hour in the car and I sit right behind him. Damn you, Ruben.
But Ruben's a nice guy. With really damn bright blue eyes. Like REALLY damn bright. Like woah.
Either way, work was tiring, blah blah blah.
How've you all been lately?I'm dead.
My feet are so dead that even now i can't feel them not hurting.
My lungs hurt as well... probably breathed in too much smoke and dust :/
Also, i bathed today. I hate doing that because THIS is what my hands look like after 10 minutes:Tha fuk?!
I told you i get granny hands from bathing, DeMon_QuEEn_AvERy
The bathtub is my hands worst enemy.
I WARNED YOU.Oh crap, breathing really is a struggle right now. Ouch DX
Kill me right now DX
I know i owe you art.. but i don't care, everything hurts, so have a pic of Ruben (right) and Kevin (left, but he's not the one who supervises me. There are two Kevins) at lunch cuz I'm evil:
What? I'm not THAT much of a jerk.
Okay, bye. Art... some other time :/
Freak tried Art (5)
RandomYo. This is the fifth part. Warning: the Art's gonna get lazier as the book proceeds. Also, my Art changes pretty fast, I dunno why and I hate it. But at least I also learn quickly, right? Ha, I wish. Anyway, the character in the cover is Froi...